When planning to invest in Costa Rica, it is important to understand the legal requirements and pitfalls of buying property in the country. CRIE, Costa Rica Immigration Experts, is dedicated to ensuring your move to Costa Rica is seamless, stress-free, and efficient, with guidance from experts in immigration, residency, and citizenship.

Understanding the process of buying homes in Costa Rica involves several key steps, including the incorporation process and performing a title search. Foreigners have the same rights as locals when purchasing land in Costa Rica, but it is still important to work with professionals and do proper due diligence to ensure a successful investment.

Key Takeaways:

  • Buying property in Costa Rica requires incorporation and performing a title search
  • Foreigners have the same rights as locals when purchasing land in the country
  • Working with professionals and understanding the legal requirements is crucial for a successful real estate investment

The Incorporation Process for Buying Property in Costa Rica

The most efficient way to purchase property in Costa Rica is to do it in a corporation’s name, and this involves going through the incorporation process. This process requires incorporating a limited liability company with at least two people before a Costa Rican Notary Public.

During the incorporation process, several important decisions must be made, including choosing a unique name for the corporation, appointing a Board of Directors, determining the capital and number of shares of the company, and appointing a representative with powers of attorney.

Buying real estate in a corporation’s name simplifies the transfer process and offers greater flexibility in transactions and organizational matters. It also provides potential tax advantages, simplified estate planning, and protection from personal liability.

Before making a purchase, it is essential to conduct a title search in the Folio Real, a centralized computer system in the Public Registry. This will determine ownership, boundaries, mortgages, and other liens on the property. Any properties not yet incorporated into the Folio Real system can be searched in the special books kept in the Public Register.

Foreigners have the same rights as locals when purchasing property in Costa Rica, and they can own property outright in their own name or through a corporation. It is highly recommended to work with a reputable real estate agent who is knowledgeable about the local market and to hire a lawyer to check the property’s title, assist with forming corporations, and handle other legal aspects of the purchase.

When making an offer on Costa Rica real estate, a written offer is presented to the seller, and negotiations may occur regarding price and terms. Once an agreement is reached, a deposit is expected, usually 10% of the purchase price, and held in an escrow account. The final closing usually takes place within 30-60 days after the contract is signed.

Overall, buying property in Costa Rica can be a transparent process with the right professionals and due diligence. The country offers a foreigner-friendly property market, a central land registry for clear title verification, and low property taxes.

Performing a Title Search and Understanding Ownership Rights

Before buying real estate in Costa Rica, it is recommended to perform a title search in the Folio Real system, which shows all the information about the property, including ownership, boundaries, location, and mortgages. This search can be conducted at the Public Registry offices or with the assistance of a real estate agent or lawyer.

It is important to differentiate between ownership rights and occupation rights when considering buying land in Costa Rica. In Costa Rica, there are two main types of ownership rights: fee simple and concession. Fee simple is the most common and gives the owner full rights to the property, while a concession is a leasehold interest where the government gives a private party the right to use the land for a specific period, usually up to 20 years. When purchasing a concession, it is important to check the specific terms and conditions of the agreement.

Most properties in Costa Rica are registered in the “Folio Real” system, which enables a buyer to conduct a title search to show property data, ownership, boundaries, and any liens. When purchasing property, it is also advisable to do due diligence and work with registered agents to protect your investment. The incorporation process for buying property in Costa Rica also provides more flexibility for other transactions and simplifies the transfer process, making it easier to sell the property in the future.

Working with professionals such as lawyers and real estate agents is essential during the purchasing process to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations. They can provide guidance on the legal requirements and assist with the incorporation process.

Overall, performing a title search and understanding ownership rights and the different types of property ownership in Costa Rica is crucial when buying real estate. It can save money and effort and make your investment in Costa Rica worthwhile.

process of buying homes in Costa Rica

Foreigner-Friendly Property Laws and Due Diligence

The real estate buying process in Costa Rica can be stressful, especially for foreigners, but the country has foreigner-friendly property laws that grant foreigners the same rights as locals when purchasing land. To simplify the transfer process and provide flexibility for other transactions, it is advisable to buy property in a corporation’s name. The incorporation process requires choosing an original name, appointing a Board of Directors, and deciding the capital and number of shares.

Most properties in Costa Rica are registered in a computer system called “Folio Real,” and before purchasing land, a title search should be performed. Ownership rights and concessions are important factors to consider, especially in relation to beaches. Costa Rica imposes relatively low property taxes, and foreigners have the same rights as locals when purchasing property in the country.

It is recommended to work with reputable real estate agents who are knowledgeable about the local market and to hire a lawyer to represent your interests in a property purchase. Doing comprehensive due diligence before a purchase is crucial. This includes performing a title search, verifying property boundaries, checking for unpaid taxes, and ensuring there are no liens or encumbrances on the property.

When making an offer, signing a contract, and completing the closing, funds should be held in a registered escrow account. Financing options include owner financing, which may offer more flexibility than traditional bank financing. Before buying property in Costa Rica, it is important to understand the customs, legalities, and rights of foreign property buyers.

In conclusion, Costa Rica offers a high quality of life, legal protection for foreign property buyers, and titled properties. It is important to focus on personal priorities and needs when searching for the right property in Costa Rica. By understanding the foreigner-friendly laws and doing proper due diligence, the process of buying property in Costa Rica can be a smooth and rewarding experience.

Costa Rica Real Estate

Finding the Right Property and Conclusion

Before buying property in Costa Rica, it is important to understand the background information and legal rights as a foreigner, and working with a trusted real estate agent and conducting thorough research will help in finding the perfect property. It is advisable to purchase property in a corporation’s name to simplify the transfer process and provide flexibility for future transactions.

Prior to making a purchase, conducting a title search is essential to ensure clear ownership rights and verify any restrictions, such as beachfront concessions. Additionally, securing a lawyer can help navigate the purchasing process and protect your interests.

Ownership rights for foreigners in Costa Rica are the same as locals, and property titles are generally registered and titled, providing legal protection. By determining your priorities and needs, you can find the right property, whether it’s in a remote location for nature exploration or closer to modern amenities.

Working with reputable real estate professionals can help you find your dream property. With its natural beauty, progressive environmental policies, and welcoming culture, Costa Rica offers a unique opportunity to expand your real estate holdings.


Purchasing property in Costa Rica can be a rewarding experience, but it’s crucial to understand the legal requirements, perform due diligence, and work with professionals to ensure a smooth process. By following the proper process and understanding your rights as a foreigner, you can find the right property and enjoy the natural beauty and warm hospitality of Costa Rica.

-Article by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap).

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Q: What is the process of buying homes in Costa Rica?

A: The process of buying homes in Costa Rica involves understanding the legal requirements, performing due diligence, and working with professionals. It is recommended to seek guidance from Costa Rica Immigration Experts.

Q: What is the incorporation process for buying property in Costa Rica?

A: The incorporation process for buying property in Costa Rica involves choosing a unique name for the corporation, appointing a Board of Directors, and recording incorporation details in the Public Registry.

Q: Why is performing a title search important when buying property in Costa Rica?

A: Performing a title search is important when buying property in Costa Rica to verify ownership, boundaries, location, and mortgages associated with the property. It helps ensure that you have accurate information before making a purchase.

Q: What are the different types of ownership rights when buying property in Costa Rica?

A: When buying property in Costa Rica, you may be offered ownership rights or occupation rights. Ownership rights are registered and similar to land ownership in the United States or Canada, while occupation rights require a lengthy registration process.

Q: What are the foreigner-friendly property laws in Costa Rica?

A: Costa Rica has foreigner-friendly property laws that grant foreigners the same rights as locals when purchasing land. Foreigners can own property outright in their own name or in the name of a corporation.

Q: How important is due diligence when buying property in Costa Rica?

A: Due diligence is crucial when buying property in Costa Rica to ensure that you are making a sound investment. It involves conducting research, working with professionals, and confirming clear title to the property.

Q: What are some tips for finding the right property in Costa Rica?

A: When finding the right property in Costa Rica, it is important to consider personal priorities and needs such as access to modern amenities, proximity to nature, and the local community. Working with a trusted real estate agent and conducting thorough research are also recommended.




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Article by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap)

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