The presidents of Costa Rica have played a significant role in shaping the country’s history and legacy, with their contributions spanning over several decades and impacting various aspects of Costa Rican society. From current president Carlos Alvarado Quesada to past leaders like José Figueres Ferrer and Laura Chinchilla, each president has left their mark on the political and social landscape of Costa Rica.

Key Takeaways:

  • The presidents of Costa Rica have had a profound impact on the country’s history and society.
  • The current president, Carlos Alvarado Quesada, has focused on human rights, infrastructure improvement, poverty mitigation, and employment.
  • Previous president Luis Guillermo Solis implemented left-wing policies to address inequalities and combat corruption.
  • José Figueres Ferrer, a notable president, abolished the army, granted women the right to vote, and implemented social and economic reforms.
  • Laura Chinchilla, Costa Rica’s first female president, prioritized public security, combating organized crime, and promoting free-trade agreements.
  • The legacy of Costa Rican presidents includes their contributions to human rights, social and economic reforms, and international relations.

Notable Presidents and Their Contributions

José Figueres Ferrer, a prominent figure in Costa Rican history, served as president three times and is known for his role in the civil war, social reforms, and international relations. Figueres led a civil war in 1948, which resulted in a new constitution that abolished the army and granted women the right to vote. His presidency also witnessed significant social and economic reforms. Figueres implemented policies to nationalize banks, provide healthcare and education for all citizens, and promote land redistribution.

Jose Figueres Ferrer

Laura Chinchilla, on the other hand, made history as the first woman to be elected as Costa Rica’s president. She served as vice president from 2006-2008 and as president from 2010-2014. Chinchilla focused on public security, combating organized crime, and promoting free-trade agreements. Her administration launched initiatives to improve public safety, strengthen the justice system, and enhance police force efficiency. Chinchilla also prioritized economic development through the signing of free-trade agreements with various countries.

Both Figueres and Chinchilla’s contributions have had a lasting impact on Costa Rican society. Their dedication to social progress, economic development, and international relations has shaped the country’s political landscape and set the stage for subsequent presidents to build upon their achievements.

Legacy of the Costa Rican Presidents

The legacy of the presidents of Costa Rica encompasses their dedication to human rights, social and economic reforms, and fostering positive international relations. They have played a vital role in shaping the country’s political and social landscape, leaving a lasting impact on its history. The legacies of Figueres and Chinchilla demonstrate the potential for transformative leadership in driving positive change for the Costa Rican people.

President Term Notable Contributions
José Figueres Ferrer 1948-1949, 1953-1958, 1970-1974 Civil war leadership, social and economic reforms, international relations
Laura Chinchilla 2010-2014 Public security, combating organized crime, promoting free-trade agreements


In conclusion, the presidents of Costa Rica have left a lasting legacy through their influential roles and groundbreaking achievements. Their contributions to human rights, social and economic reforms, and international relations have shaped the country’s history and continue to impact its political and social landscape.

Carlos Alvarado Quesada, the current president, won the presidential election in 2018 with 61% of the votes. During his presidency, he has prioritized issues such as human rights, infrastructure improvement, poverty mitigation, and employment. His focus on these areas reflects the commitment of Costa Rican presidents to creating a better society for their citizens.

Luis Guillermo Solis, the previous president, implemented left-wing policies to address inequalities and combat corruption. His administration aimed to promote social justice and ensure transparency in government affairs, further cementing the presidents’ dedication to improving the lives of Costa Ricans.

Notable presidents such as José Figueres Ferrer and Laura Chinchilla have also made significant contributions to the country. Figueres led a civil war in 1948, resulting in a new constitution that abolished the army and granted women the right to vote. He also implemented social and economic reforms and sought assistance from the United States to repel a Nicaraguan invasion. Figueres remains a symbol of the democratic left in Latin America.

Chinchilla, the first woman to be elected as Costa Rica’s president, focused on issues such as public security, combating organized crime, and promoting free-trade agreements. Despite facing challenges with a border dispute with Nicaragua and allegations of corruption, Chinchilla’s administration made significant strides in addressing these issues and promoting the country’s development.

The presidents of Costa Rica have undoubtedly left a profound impact on the country’s political and social landscape. Their contributions to human rights, social and economic reforms, and international relations have shaped the nation’s history and continue to shape its future. Through their influential roles and groundbreaking achievements, they have fostered a legacy of progress and transformation.

Article by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap).

[email protected]


Q: Who is the current president of Costa Rica?

A: The current president of Costa Rica is Carlos Alvarado Quesada.

Q: How did Carlos Alvarado Quesada win the presidential election?

A: Carlos Alvarado Quesada won the presidential election with 61% of the votes in 2018.

Q: What are some of the issues that Carlos Alvarado Quesada has focused on as president?

A: Carlos Alvarado Quesada has focused on issues such as human rights, infrastructure improvement, poverty mitigation, and employment.

Q: What left-wing policies did previous president Luis Guillermo Solis implement?

A: Previous president Luis Guillermo Solis implemented left-wing policies to address inequalities and combat corruption.

Q: Who is one notable president of Costa Rica?

A: One notable president of Costa Rica is José Figueres Ferrer.

Q: How many times did José Figueres Ferrer serve as president?

A: José Figueres Ferrer served as president three times: 1948-1949, 1953-1958, and 1970-1974.

Q: What were some of the achievements of José Figueres Ferrer?

A: José Figueres Ferrer led a civil war in 1948 that resulted in a new constitution abolishing the army and granting women the right to vote. He also implemented social and economic reforms and sought assistance from the United States to repel a Nicaraguan invasion.

Q: Who was the first woman to be elected as Costa Rica’s president?

A: Laura Chinchilla was the first woman to be elected as Costa Rica’s president.

Q: What were some of the issues that Laura Chinchilla focused on as president?

A: Laura Chinchilla focused on issues such as public security, combating organized crime, and promoting free-trade agreements.

Q: What challenges did Laura Chinchilla’s administration face?

A: Laura Chinchilla’s administration faced challenges with a border dispute with Nicaragua and allegations of corruption.

Q: What is the legacy of the Costa Rican presidents?

A: The legacy of the Costa Rican presidents includes their contributions to human rights, social and economic reforms, and international relations.



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Article by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap)

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