Living in Costa Rica as an expat can be an exciting adventure, but there are a few necessary steps to take before hitting the road. Obtaining a Costa Rica driver’s license is an important part of living and driving in the country, and it is vital for expats to be aware of the process in order to comply with local traffic laws and regulations.

Having a local driver’s license will not only make it easier to navigate through the country but also show a commitment to being a responsible driver and member of the community. In this section, we will explore what expats need to know about obtaining a Costa Rica driver’s license.

Key Takeaways

  • Expats living in Costa Rica must obtain a local driver’s license to comply with local traffic laws and improve mobility.
  • The process of obtaining a Costa Rica driver’s license involves completing the necessary paperwork and passing a driving test.
  • Understanding local traffic laws and being a responsible driver is essential to safely and confidently navigate through Costa Rica’s roads.

Understanding the Driver’s License Requirements in Costa Rica

Before applying for a driver’s license in Costa Rica as an expat, it is important to understand the specific requirements for obtaining one.

The first requirement is proof of residency in Costa Rica. Expats must have a valid residency card or a temporary residency certificate. In addition, a valid identification document such as a passport or cedula is required.

Expats will also need to obtain a medical certificate from a licensed Costa Rican physician. This certificate confirms the applicant’s physical and mental health and ability to drive.

It is also important to have a clear driving record. Some applicants may be required to provide a driving record from their home country, translated into Spanish by an official translator.

Once all the necessary documents are in order, applicants must complete the written and practical driving tests. The written exam covers road rules, regulations, and road signs. The practical test assesses driving skills, including the ability to navigate and follow traffic signals and road signs.

The entire process of obtaining a driver’s license in Costa Rica can take several weeks or even months, so it is important to start early and be patient.

driver's license requirements in Costa Rica

Key Requirements for a Costa Rica Driver’s License:

Requirement Description
Proof of Residency A valid residency card or temporary residency certificate
Identification A valid identification document such as a passport or cedula
Medical Certificate Obtained from a licensed Costa Rican physician
Clear Driving Record May require a driving record from applicant’s home country, translated into Spanish

Overall, it is important to understand the necessary requirements and be fully prepared before applying for a driver’s license in Costa Rica as an expat. With proper preparation and patience, expats can obtain a Costa Rica driver’s license and enjoy the benefits of legal and safe driving on Costa Rican roads.

The Costa Rica Driver’s License Application and Test

Once expats have gathered all the necessary documents, they can begin the process of applying for a Costa Rica driver’s license. The application process typically involves several steps, including scheduling an appointment, submitting the required paperwork, and paying any applicable fees.

First, expats will need to schedule an appointment at the Consejo de Seguridad Vial (Cosevi) office in their area. This can be done online or by phone, depending on the region. Once an appointment has been scheduled, expats will need to gather all the required documents, including a valid passport, proof of residency, and a medical certificate.

At the Cosevi office, expats will need to submit the required paperwork and pay any applicable fees. The exact fees will depend on the region and type of license being applied for. Once the paperwork has been processed and the fees paid, expats will need to take the driver’s license test.

The driver’s license test in Costa Rica typically involves both a written and practical exam. The written exam will test expats on their knowledge of local traffic laws and regulations. The practical exam will test their driving skills, including parking, turning, and navigating through different types of roads.

It is important to note that the driver’s license test in Costa Rica can be challenging, even for experienced drivers. Expats may want to consider taking a driver’s education course or practicing with a local instructor before taking the test. Additionally, it is recommended to study local traffic laws and regulations to ensure a passing score.

Costa Rica driver's license application and test

Overall, obtaining a Costa Rica driver’s license as an expat can be a time-consuming process, but it is necessary for those who plan to live and drive in the country. By following the necessary steps and preparing for the driver’s license test, expats can ensure they are legally compliant and able to fully enjoy the benefits of driving in Costa Rica.

Tips for Driving in Costa Rica as an Expat

Driving in Costa Rica as an expat can be a challenging experience, especially for those who are used to driving on well-maintained roads with clear signage. However, with the right mindset and preparation, it is possible to navigate the roads of Costa Rica safely and confidently. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Get familiar with the local driving laws: It’s important to understand the traffic laws and regulations in Costa Rica before hitting the road. This includes rules regarding speed limits, stopping at stop signs, and yielding to pedestrians. Expats should also be aware that driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is strictly prohibited.
  • Be prepared for different road conditions: The roads in Costa Rica vary greatly in quality, from well-paved highways to bumpy dirt roads. Expats should be prepared for the different types of road conditions they may encounter, including potholes, steep hills, and narrow bridges.
  • Use GPS and maps: Getting lost in Costa Rica is easy, so expats should make sure to have a reliable GPS or paper map on hand. It’s also a good idea to familiarize oneself with the basic geography of the country, including major cities and landmarks.
  • Drive defensively: With the high volume of traffic and unpredictable driving behaviors of some drivers in Costa Rica, it’s important to stay alert and drive defensively. This means avoiding distractions, such as texting or talking on the phone while driving, and being prepared to react to unexpected situations.
  • Be patient: Traffic can be slow and congested in Costa Rica, particularly during rush hour. Expats should be patient and avoid rushing or taking unnecessary risks while on the road. It’s always better to arrive safely at one’s destination than to rush and put oneself in danger.
  • Always wear a seatbelt: It’s important to remember to buckle up while driving in Costa Rica, as seatbelt use is required by law. This includes both the driver and any passengers in the vehicle.

By following these tips and staying alert and focused while driving, expats can navigate the roads of Costa Rica safely and confidently.

driving in Costa Rica as an expat


In summary, obtaining a Costa Rica driver’s license as an expat is not only essential but also advantageous. It allows for easier navigation and compliance with local traffic laws, making driving in Costa Rica safer and more comfortable.

It is important for expats to understand the specific requirements and process of getting a driver’s license in Costa Rica, including the necessary documents and paperwork. Additionally, expats should prepare for the Costa Rica driver’s license test and adhere to local driving laws and regulations.

By doing so, expats can enjoy the freedom and convenience of driving in Costa Rica while staying safe and legal.

-Article by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap).

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Q: Why do I need a Costa Rica driver’s license as an expat?

A: Having a CR driver’s license as an expat is important for several reasons. Firstly, it is a legal requirement if you plan to drive in the country. Secondly, it allows for easier navigation and compliance with local traffic laws. Lastly, having a local license can also provide you with peace of mind when dealing with authorities or in case of any accidents or emergencies.

Q: What documents do I need to obtain a Costa Rica driver’s license as an expat?

A: To obtain a CR driver’s license as an expat, you will typically need to provide the following documents: proof of residency, valid identification (such as a passport), a medical certificate, and proof of payment of any required fees. It is advisable to check with the relevant government offices or consult a professional for the specific requirements in your case.

Q: How do I apply for a Costa Rica driver’s license as an expat?

A: The application process for a CR driver’s license as an expat involves several steps. Firstly, you will need to schedule an appointment with the relevant government office. Then, you will need to submit the required documents, such as proof of residency and a medical certificate, during the appointment. You will also need to pay any applicable fees. It is important to follow the instructions provided by the authorities and ensure that you have all the necessary documents before applying.

Q: What can I expect during the driver’s license test in Costa Rica?

A: The driver’s license test in CR typically consists of a written exam and a practical driving test. The written exam assesses your knowledge of local traffic laws and regulations. The practical driving test evaluates your ability to drive safely and confidently in various road conditions. It is advisable to study the local driving laws and practice driving in different scenarios to prepare for the tests.

Q: What are some tips for driving in Costa Rica as an expat?

A: When driving in Costa Rica as an expat, it is important to familiarize yourself with local traffic laws and regulations. Additionally, be prepared for different road conditions, including narrow roads, unpaved routes, and challenging weather conditions. It is also advisable to drive defensively, be aware of your surroundings, and exercise caution, especially in heavily populated or tourist areas. Finally, consider using GPS or maps to navigate unfamiliar areas and plan your routes in advance.



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Article by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap)

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