Moving to a new country can be daunting, but by joining social groups for expats in Costa Rica, you can quickly find a community that welcomes you and helps you settle into your new life. Costa Rica is known for its warm and friendly locals, and there are various social groups and communities available specifically for expatriates. These groups offer opportunities for you to connect, make friends, and find support as you navigate your new life in Costa Rica.

  • InterNations is a global network for expatriates with a community in Costa Rica, offering events and forums for expats to connect and support each other.
  • Consider joining expat groups and associations, taking language classes, volunteering, or participating in sports activities to meet new people and make friends.
  • Accepting invitations and being open to new experiences can help you build a supportive social network in Costa Rica.
  • Costa Rica is known for its friendly locals, making it easier for expats to feel welcome and connect with others.
  • Explore cultural events and activities happening in your area to immerse yourself in the local community and meet like-minded individuals.

Connecting with Other Expats in Costa Rica

Expats in Costa Rica have a rich social scene, with numerous options for connecting with other like-minded individuals and building a supportive network. Whether you’re seeking expat associations, meetups, or events, there are plenty of opportunities to meet new people and make friends.

One popular option is to join InterNations, a global network for expatriates that has a community in Costa Rica. InterNations organizes events and forums where expats can come together, share experiences, and provide support to one another. They also provide valuable information on common nationalities in Costa Rica, popular cities among expats, rental prices, and safety concerns, making it easier for newcomers to navigate their new lives.

In addition to InterNations, there are other expat groups and associations that you can join. These groups often organize regular meetups and activities, providing a platform for expats to connect and build friendships. Taking language classes, volunteering, and finding a job or working in a public space are also great ways to meet new people and immerse yourself in the local community.

Attending cultural events and participating in sports activities are also recommended for expats looking to expand their social circle. These events and activities not only allow you to engage with the local culture but also create opportunities for meaningful connections.

Remember, the key to building a supportive social network as an expat is to say yes to invitations and be open to new experiences. Embrace the opportunities available to you in Costa Rica, and you’ll find yourself surrounded by a diverse group of friends who understand the joys and challenges of living in a foreign country.


Q: Are there social groups and communities for expats in Costa Rica?

A: Yes, there are several social groups and communities in Costa Rica that expats can join to connect with others and make friends.

Q: What is InterNations and how can it help expats in Costa Rica?

A: InterNations is a global network for expatriates that has a community in Costa Rica. They offer events and forums where expats can meet and support each other. They also provide information on common nationalities in Costa Rica, popular cities among expats, rental prices, and safety concerns.

Q: What are some other ways to connect with expats in Costa Rica?

A: In addition to joining InterNations, expats in Costa Rica can also join other expat groups and associations, take language classes, volunteer, get a job or work in a public space, attend cultural events, and participate in sports activities as ways to meet new people and make friends.

Q: What is the key to making friends as an expat in Costa Rica?

A: The key to making friends as an expat in Costa Rica is saying yes to invitations and being open to new experiences. By being proactive and actively seeking opportunities to connect with others, expats can build a supportive social network in their new home.

Article by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap)

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