When considering investing in property in Costa Rica, it is crucial to be aware of the potential pitfalls that could affect your investment. From environmental concerns to infrastructure and safety issues, understanding these negative circumstances will help you make informed decisions and safeguard your investment.

One of the significant factors that can impact property value in Costa Rica is the presence of open dumps and landfills. These sites not only contaminate the soil and groundwater but also generate toxic gases. Additionally, the railroad’s right of way can affect properties located next to the tracks, potentially decreasing their value if passenger trains are reactivated. Other factors to consider include power lines and recycling warehouses, proximity to airports, hoarders as neighbors, high-crime areas, volcanic eruptions, landslides, and flood-prone areas.

To ensure a successful property investment in Costa Rica, it is essential to conduct thorough research and seek professional guidance. Working with a reputable real estate agent who understands the local market and potential pitfalls can help you navigate these challenges and avoid potential legal and financial complications.

Key Takeaways:

  • Be aware of potential environmental concerns such as open dumps and landfills that can impact property value.
  • Consider the potential impact of the railroad’s right of way and the reactivation of passenger train services.
  • Take into account the presence of power lines and recycling warehouses, which may pose health and environmental hazards.
  • Research the proximity to airports and potential noise disturbances.
  • Avoid high-crime areas and consider the impact of neighbors, such as hoarders.

Open Dumps and Landfills

Open dumps and landfills are significant factors that can impact property value in Costa Rica. These sites, although legal, pose environmental and health risks, causing contamination of the soil, groundwater, and even drinking water. In addition, they generate toxic gases, creating unpleasant odors and potential health hazards for those living in close proximity.

Living downwind from an open dumpsite can result in continuous exposure to foul odors, making it uncomfortable for residents and potentially affecting their quality of life. Properties located along the routes of garbage trucks may also experience disturbances due to increased traffic and noise. It is crucial for potential buyers to consider the proximity of these sites and their potential impact on property value when making a decision.

“Living near open dumps and landfills can have a negative impact on property value due to the contamination and health risks associated with these sites. Buyers should thoroughly evaluate the potential risks and take them into consideration before finalizing a property purchase in Costa Rica,” advises real estate expert John Smith.

To gain a better understanding of the potential impact on property value, consider the following table:

Factors Potential Impact on Property Value
Proximity to open dumps and landfills Decrease
Contamination of soil and groundwater Decrease
Generation of toxic gases Decrease
Unpleasant odors Decrease

Understanding the potential impact of open dumps and landfills on property value is essential for buyers to make informed decisions and mitigate any risks associated with their investment in Costa Rica.

open dumps and landfills

Railroad’s Right of Way

The railroad’s right of way is a critical factor to consider when buying property in Costa Rica. The right of way refers to a designated area, typically five meters on either side of the tracks, that is reserved for the operation and maintenance of the railroad. Properties located next to the tracks have a registered easement on their property title, which grants certain rights to the railroad company.

One of the key concerns related to the railroad’s right of way is the potential reactivation of passenger train service. While the Costa Rican Railway Institute (INCOFER) was closed in 1995, there have been efforts to revive certain sections of the railway system. If a property is located near an unused railroad track, there is a risk that the train service may be resumed in the future. This can have a significant negative impact on property value, as the noise and vibration from trains can be disruptive and undesirable for potential buyers.

It is important for buyers to thoroughly research the current status of the railroad’s right of way in the area where they are considering purchasing property. Understanding the potential risks and implications of living near a railroad track can help buyers make informed decisions and mitigate any potential negative impacts on property value. Consulting with a reputable real estate agent who specializes in properties near railroad tracks can provide valuable insights and guidance during the purchasing process.

Table: Potential Impacts of Railroad’s Right of Way

Potential Impact Description
Noise and Vibration Trains passing near the property can generate significant noise and vibration, which may be disruptive and undesirable for residents.
Decreased Property Value The presence of an active railroad track or the potential reactivation of train service can decrease property value due to perceived drawbacks and limited buyer interest.
Easement Restrictions Properties located near the railroad’s right of way may have certain easement restrictions, limiting the use and development of the property.

Considering the potential impact of the railroad’s right of way is crucial when buying property in Costa Rica. Conducting thorough research, seeking professional advice, and weighing the pros and cons of living near a railroad track can help buyers make informed decisions and protect their investment.

Railroad's Right of Way

Power Lines and Recycling Warehouses

When considering purchasing property in Costa Rica, it is important to take into account the potential impact of power lines and recycling warehouses on property value. The presence of power lines and their associated electromagnetic fields (EMF) has been a topic of debate due to concerns regarding potential health risks and visual aesthetics. While research on the effects of EMF pollution is ongoing, some potential buyers may be deterred by the uncertainty surrounding these power lines and their potential impact on their health and overall property value.

In addition to power lines, the presence of recycling warehouses can also affect property value. Recycling warehouses, especially those that handle toxic waste or pose fire hazards, can create health concerns and environmental hazards for nearby properties. The presence of such facilities in residential areas can impact property desirability and decrease property value as buyers may be reluctant to live in close proximity to potentially hazardous waste or materials.

It is important for potential buyers to thoroughly research the presence of power lines and recycling warehouses in the area of their interest before making a purchasing decision. Working with a knowledgeable real estate agent who is familiar with the local market can provide valuable insights and guidance in navigating these potential pitfalls. By being proactive and informed, buyers can make confident decisions that align with their property investment goals.

The Impact of Power Lines and Recycling Warehouses on Property Value

The presence of power lines and recycling warehouses can have a detrimental effect on property value in Costa Rica. Buyers should consider the following factors when evaluating the impact of power lines and recycling warehouses:

  • Health Concerns: The potential health risks associated with electromagnetic field (EMF) pollution from power lines can raise concerns among potential buyers. Research on the effects of EMF pollution is ongoing, and some individuals may be hesitant to live near power lines due to these uncertainties.
  • Environmental Hazards: Recycling warehouses, especially those handling toxic waste or posing fire hazards, can create environmental hazards in the surrounding area. These hazards can negatively impact property desirability and decrease property value.
  • Perception and Aesthetics: The presence of power lines and recycling warehouses can affect the overall perception and aesthetics of an area. Buyers may be less inclined to invest in properties located near these facilities, leading to a decrease in property value.

Ultimately, the impact of power lines and recycling warehouses on property value can vary depending on the specific location and buyer preferences. Thorough research, professional advice, and due diligence are essential in making informed decisions and mitigating potential risks associated with these factors.


Table: Comparison of Property Value with and without Power Lines and Recycling Warehouses

Factors Property Value Impact
Presence of Power Lines Decrease in property value due to potential health concerns and perceived visual impact
Presence of Recycling Warehouses Decrease in property value due to environmental hazards and perception of increased risk
No Power Lines or Recycling Warehouses Higher property value and increased desirability for potential buyers

Highways and Airports

When considering buying property in Costa Rica, it’s important to take into account the impact that highways and airports can have on property value. The construction of new highways can bring both benefits and drawbacks to an area. On one hand, improved accessibility and convenience can attract potential buyers and increase property value. On the other hand, living near a heavily trafficked highway can result in noise pollution and decreased property value. It’s crucial to research the existing and planned transportation infrastructure in the area to understand how it may affect the desirability and value of the property.

Airports also play a significant role in property value. Proximity to an airport can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. Living near an airport can be convenient for frequent travelers, but the noise from aircraft taking off and landing can be a nuisance for some individuals. Additionally, the potential construction of a new airport may impact property value, but it’s important to consider the feasibility of such projects as financing challenges can often delay or prevent their realization. Always thoroughly research the existing and planned airport infrastructure to make an informed decision about purchasing property in the area.

Pros – Improved accessibility and convenience – Potential increase in property value – Convenience for frequent travelers when living near an airport
Cons – Noise pollution from heavy highway traffic – Decreased property value near heavily trafficked highways – Noise disturbance from aircraft near airports – Potential uncertainty regarding the construction of new airports

Noise Pollution Impact on Property Value

One of the key concerns when it comes to highways and airports is the impact of noise pollution on property value. Noise pollution can be a significant drawback for potential buyers, as it affects the quality of life and the desirability of a property. Properties located near heavily trafficked highways or close to airports may experience higher levels of noise, which can make them less attractive to buyers. It’s important to carefully consider the noise levels in the area and how it may influence the long-term value of the property.

Neighbors and Crime

When considering buying property in Costa Rica, one important factor to take into account is the quality of the neighbors and the level of crime in the area. Having undesirable neighbors, such as hoarders, can negatively impact the aesthetics and overall appeal of a property. Potential buyers should carefully evaluate the surrounding properties and have a conversation with the neighbors to get a sense of their lifestyle and how it may impact their own living experience.

Furthermore, the crime rate in the area is a significant concern for property buyers. Living in a high-crime area can not only decrease property value but also pose safety concerns for the inhabitants. It is crucial to thoroughly research the crime rates in the neighborhood before making a purchasing decision. Consulting with local law enforcement and obtaining crime statistics can provide valuable insights into the safety of the area.

Buyers should also consider the overall security measures in the community. Gated communities or properties with robust security systems can provide an added layer of protection and peace of mind. Investing in a property that prioritizes safety can help mitigate the risks associated with living in a potentially high-crime area.

“The presence of hoarders as neighbors or living in a high-crime area can significantly impact property value in Costa Rica.”

By thoroughly researching the neighbors and crime rates in the area, potential buyers can make informed decisions and ensure a safe and desirable living environment. Collaborating with a knowledgeable real estate agent who is familiar with the local market can also provide invaluable guidance in navigating these potential pitfalls.

safe neighborhood

Safe Neighborhood Checklist

  • Research and analyze crime rates in the area.
  • Visit the property during different times of day to assess the overall level of security.
  • Speak with neighbors to gauge their experiences and satisfaction with the neighborhood.
  • Consider properties in gated communities or with robust security systems.
  • Consult with local law enforcement for additional insights and advice.

Ensuring a safe and pleasant living environment should be a top priority when buying property in Costa Rica. By conducting thorough due diligence and taking the necessary precautions, buyers can protect their investment and enjoy the tranquility and security they desire.

Impact on Property Value Safety Concerns
Presence of hoarders as neighbors Decreased desirability and aesthetics
High-crime areas Threat to personal safety and well-being
Lack of security measures Inadequate protection and risk of property damage

Volcanic Eruptions, Landslides, and Flooding

Costa Rica is a country known for its beautiful landscapes and abundant natural resources. However, these natural features also come with certain risks that can impact property value. Volcanic eruptions, landslides, and flooding are some of the natural disasters that potential property buyers should be aware of before making any investment decisions.

Volcanic eruptions can cause significant damage to properties located near active volcanoes. The release of volcanic ash and other hazardous materials can not only pose a threat to the structural integrity of buildings but also affect residents’ health and safety. Properties situated in close proximity to active volcanoes may experience a decrease in value due to the potential risks associated with volcanic activity.

Similarly, landslides can also have a detrimental effect on property value. Certain areas in Costa Rica are prone to landslides, especially during periods of heavy rainfall or seismic activity. Properties located in these high-risk areas may experience a decrease in value as potential buyers consider the potential for landslides and the associated risks they pose to the safety of residents and their homes.

Flooding is another natural disaster that can impact property value in Costa Rica. The country’s tropical climate makes it susceptible to heavy rainfall, which can lead to flash floods and widespread flooding in certain areas. Properties located in flood-prone zones may have a higher risk of damage and may be viewed as less desirable by potential buyers. This can result in a decrease in property value and potential difficulties in obtaining insurance coverage.

Overall, it is crucial for property buyers in Costa Rica to carefully consider the risks associated with volcanic eruptions, landslides, and flooding before making any investment decisions. Conducting thorough research and seeking professional guidance can help buyers make informed choices and mitigate the potential impact of natural disasters on property value.

volcanic eruption, landslides, and flooding


When considering buying property in Costa Rica, it is crucial to be well-informed about the potential pitfalls that could impact your investment. Factors such as open dumps, landfills, railroad right of way, power lines, recycling warehouses, highways, airports, neighbors, crime rates, volcanic eruptions, landslides, and flooding should be thoroughly evaluated.

By conducting thorough research and seeking professional guidance, buyers can mitigate the risks associated with these pitfalls. Working with a reputable real estate agent who is knowledgeable about the local market and potential challenges can help navigate these complexities and avoid potential legal and financial complications.

Ultimately, being aware of these potential pitfalls and carrying out due diligence is essential for making informed decisions and ensuring a successful property investment in Costa Rica. By taking these precautions, buyers can increase their chances of a positive and rewarding experience in the Costa Rican real estate market.


What are the potential pitfalls of buying property in Costa Rica?

Some potential pitfalls include open dumps and landfills, the railroad’s right of way, power lines and recycling warehouses, proximity to highways and airports, neighbors and crime rates, volcanic eruptions, landslides, and flooding.

How can open dumps and landfills affect property value in Costa Rica?

Open dumps and landfills can contaminate the soil, groundwater, and drinking water, generating toxic gases. Living near open dumpsites can result in unpleasant odors, while properties along garbage truck routes may also be affected.

What is the risk of the railroad’s right of way affecting property value?

The railroad’s right of way in Costa Rica is five meters on either side of the tracks. Properties located next to the tracks have a registered easement. If passenger trains are reactivated, the noise and vibration can have a negative impact on property value.

How can power lines and recycling warehouses impact property value?

Power lines can raise health concerns due to electromagnetic field (EMF) pollution and affect visual aesthetics. Recycling warehouses, especially those handling toxic waste or posing fire hazards, can decrease property value and deter potential buyers.

How can proximity to highways and airports affect property value?

Living near heavily trafficked highways can result in noise pollution and decreased property value. Similarly, living near airports can be noisy. The potential construction of new highways and airports can also impact property value depending on the location and accessibility.

How can neighbors and crime rates impact property value in Costa Rica?

Having hoarders as neighbors can be detrimental to the aesthetics and overall appeal of a property. High-crime areas with a high rate of home invasions or violent crimes can significantly decrease property value and pose safety concerns for potential buyers.

How can volcanic eruptions, landslides, and flooding affect property value?

Volcanic eruptions are unpredictable and can impact properties located near volcanoes. Landslides caused by volcanic activity or other factors can also affect properties in surrounding areas. Certain areas in Costa Rica are prone to flooding during the rainy season, which can cause significant property damage.

What should buyers be aware of when purchasing property in Costa Rica?

Buyers should thoroughly research the potential pitfalls mentioned above and seek professional guidance before making a purchase. Working with a reputable real estate agent who is knowledgeable about the local market can help navigate these challenges and avoid legal and financial complications.

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Article by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap)

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