When traveling to Costa Rica, understanding the options for cell phone service is essential. The major mobile providers in Costa Rica are ICE, Claro, and Movistar. To use your cell phone in Costa Rica, you will need an unlocked GSM phone that supports the 850 and 1800 MHz frequencies. It is recommended to purchase a local SIM card from one of the mobile providers to avoid high international roaming charges. ICE has the widest network coverage in Costa Rica, with Claro and Movistar also providing good coverage in urban areas. There are several options for obtaining a prepaid SIM card in Costa Rica, including buying one at the San José international airport or from other cellular providers such as Liberty, Claro, or Kölbi. Additionally, it is important to consider coverage, cost, customer service, and additional services when selecting a mobile plan in Costa Rica.

  • Research the major mobile providers in Costa Rica: ICE, Claro, and Movistar
  • Ensure your phone is unlocked and supports the 850 and 1800 MHz frequencies
  • Consider purchasing a local SIM card to avoid high international roaming charges
  • ICE has the widest network coverage in Costa Rica
  • Explore prepaid SIM card options at the San José international airport or from other cellular providers like Liberty, Claro, or Kölbi

Network Coverage and SIM Card Options in Costa Rica

Costa Rica offers a variety of mobile network options and SIM card choices for travelers. When traveling to this vibrant country, it’s important to have a reliable cell phone service to stay connected. The three major mobile providers in Costa Rica are ICE, Claro, and Movistar, each offering different network coverage and services.

If you want extensive network coverage throughout Costa Rica, ICE is your best bet. They have the widest coverage, including remote and rural areas. Claro and Movistar also provide good coverage in urban areas, making them convenient options if you plan to spend most of your time in cities. It’s worth noting that network coverage can vary depending on your location and the provider, so it’s advisable to check coverage maps or inquire with the respective companies for detailed information.

To use your cell phone in Costa Rica, make sure you have an unlocked GSM phone that supports the 850 and 1800 MHz frequencies. This will allow you to connect to the local networks and avoid any compatibility issues. Purchasing a local SIM card is highly recommended to avoid exorbitant international roaming charges. You can obtain a prepaid SIM card from various sources, including the San José international airport or other cellular providers such as Liberty, Claro, or Kölbi.

Mobile Provider Network Coverage Prepaid SIM Card
ICE Widest coverage, including remote areas Available
Claro Good coverage in urban areas Available
Movistar Good coverage in urban areas Available

When selecting a mobile plan in Costa Rica, consider factors such as coverage, cost, customer service, and additional services offered by the providers. Each provider may have different packages and options, so it’s worth comparing them to find the best fit for your needs. Having a reliable cell phone service will ensure you can stay connected and make the most of your time in Costa Rica.

Costa Rica mobile phone coverage


Understanding mobile roaming options in Costa Rica can help travelers stay connected without incurring high charges. When traveling to Costa Rica, it is important to understand the cell phone service options available. The major mobile providers in Costa Rica are ICE, Claro, and Movistar. To use your cell phone in Costa Rica, you will need an unlocked GSM phone that supports the 850 and 1800 MHz frequencies.

It is recommended to purchase a local SIM card from one of the mobile providers to avoid high international roaming charges. ICE has the widest network coverage in Costa Rica, with Claro and Movistar also providing good coverage in urban areas. There are several options for obtaining a prepaid SIM card in Costa Rica, including buying one at the San José international airport or from other cellular providers such as Liberty, Claro, or Kölbi.

When selecting a mobile plan in Costa Rica, it is important to consider coverage, cost, customer service, and additional services. ICE, Claro, and Movistar offer different packages and plans to suit various needs. It is recommended to compare different options and choose the one that best fits your requirements.

By understanding the mobile roaming options in Costa Rica and making an informed decision, travelers can stay connected with ease and avoid any unexpected high charges. Whether it is for business or pleasure, having reliable cell phone service is essential when visiting Costa Rica.


Q: Can I use my cell phone in Costa Rica?

A: Yes, you can use your cell phone in Costa Rica. However, you will need an unlocked GSM phone that supports the 850 and 1800 MHz frequencies.

Q: Which are the major mobile providers in Costa Rica?

A: The major mobile providers in Costa Rica are ICE, Claro, and Movistar.

Q: How can I avoid high international roaming charges?

A: To avoid high international roaming charges, it is recommended to purchase a local SIM card from one of the mobile providers in Costa Rica.

Q: Which mobile provider has the widest network coverage in Costa Rica?

A: ICE has the widest network coverage in Costa Rica, followed by Claro and Movistar.

Q: Where can I purchase a prepaid SIM card in Costa Rica?

A: You can purchase a prepaid SIM card in Costa Rica at the San José international airport or from other cellular providers such as Liberty, Claro, or Kölbi.

Q: What should I consider when selecting a mobile plan in Costa Rica?

A: When selecting a mobile plan in Costa Rica, it is important to consider coverage, cost, customer service, and additional services offered by the mobile provider.

Article by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap)

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