Being a permanent resident in Costa Rica comes with great benefits. CRIE (Costa Rica Immigration Experts) points out the Right of Abode as the top plus. This right lets you live and work in Costa Rica freely, unlike temporary residency that has more rules. It’s a step towards being a citizen, which is even more secure.

But that’s not all. You get to vote in various elections as a permanent resident. This includes choosing presidents, lawmakers, and local leaders. You’ll also get a Cédula de Identidad, Costa Rica’s national ID card. And, you can apply for a Costa Rican passport. This passport helps you visit 149 places around the world without visas or with easy visa processes. It adds a lot of freedom to your travels as a permanent resident or green card holder.

As a permanent resident, you can enjoy Costa Rica’s public healthcare and move to and from the country without many barriers. If you decide to leave, you can get back the deposit from when you first became a resident. These rights of permanent residents and advantages of permanent residency show how Costa Rica welcomes those who want to stay long-term and enjoy privileges of green card holders.

Key Takeaways

  • Permanent residents in Costa Rica enjoy the “Right of Abode,” allowing them to live and work in the country without limits.
  • Permanent residents can vote in presidential, legislative, and municipal elections.
  • Permanent residents can obtain a Costa Rican national ID card (Cédula de Identidad) and apply for a Costa Rican passport.
  • Permanent residents can enroll in the public healthcare system (CCSS) and travel to and from Costa Rica without restrictions.
  • Permanent residents can reclaim the immigration deposit they made when canceling their residency.

Benefits of Residency in Costa Rica

Living as a permanent resident in Costa Rica brings many perks. You can get a local driver’s license and join the social security and healthcare system. These help make life easier and more enjoyable.

Obtaining a Costa Rican Driver’s License

Getting a Costa Rican driver’s license is a big advantage of being a permanent resident. It lets you drive legally in the country without an international license. This makes things simpler for you.

Access to Social Security and Public Healthcare

As a permanent resident, you can enroll in Costa Rica’s social security system. This system allows you to use public healthcare services like doctor visits and hospital care at low costs. It’s a big help for your health needs.

Ease of Opening a Local Bank Account

Being a permanent resident makes opening a bank account in Costa Rica easy. This account is crucial for managing money, receiving payments, and handling transactions. The process is smooth, helping you fit into the local financial scene.

No Need to Carry Passport at All Times

Permanent residents receive a DIMEX identity card. This card can be used instead of your passport for most daily activities. It means you don’t always have to keep your passport with you.

No Worries About Boarding Flights to Costa Rica

With your DIMEX card, boarding flights to Costa Rica is easy. You show this card as proof of your residency. It takes the worry out of arriving in the country.

Resident Discounts on Various Services

Costa Rican permanent residents get discounts on local flights, tourist spots, and parks. These savings lower your expenses and enhance your Costa Rican experience.

No Need for Visa Runs Every 180 Days

As a permanent resident, you don’t need to leave Costa Rica every 180 days for a visa run. This rule can be a hassle for tourists but not for you. It offers a stable living arrangement.

permanent resident privileges

What benefits do I get as a permanent resident?

Being a permanent resident in Costa Rica has amazing benefits. You get the Right of Abode, meaning you can live and work in the country with no restrictions. Unlike citizenship, this right can be taken away under certain conditions.

Voting Rights in Elections

As a permanent resident, you can vote in all of Costa Rica’s elections. This means you play a big part in choosing the country’s leaders. It’s a key aspect of being involved in your community.

National ID Card (Cédula de Identidad)

Permanent residents are given a national ID card called the Cédula de Identidad. This card proves who you are in Costa Rica. It makes doing official tasks easier and adds to your sense of belonging.

Ability to Apply for a Costa Rican Passport

One great benefit is the chance to get a Costa Rican passport as a resident. With this passport, you can visit 149 countries without a visa or just get one when you arrive. It’s a big plus for travel freedom.

Enrollment in CCSS (Costa Rican Social Security)

Another major advantage is being part of Costa Rica’s social security, or CCSS. This gives you health care and social benefits. It’s a big step towards your well-being while you’re in the country.

Unrestricted Travel and Return to Costa Rica

With permanent residency, you can come and go from Costa Rica freely. This means you won’t have to worry about visas or travel restrictions. It’s a major convenience of being a resident.

Reclaim Guarantee Deposit from Immigration

When you got your residency, you likely paid a guarantee deposit. The good news is, you can get this deposit back if you leave Costa Rica for good. It’s a nice financial perk.

Overall, being a permanent resident in Costa Rica has many perks. You can live and work freely. You’re part of the country’s democracy and have access to its services. These benefits make residency an appealing option for those wanting to stay in this lively Central American nation.

permanent resident benefits

The Naturalization Process in Costa Rica

If you’re a permanent resident in Costa Rica, full citizenship might be your next goal. You can become a citizen through residence or by marriage to a Costa Rican. The process, outlined by the costa rican government, has clear steps for each method.

Citizenship by Residence Requirements

For Citizenship by Residence, living in Costa Rica for 7 years is a must. If you’re from a Central American, certain Latin American, or Spanish country, this is only 5 years. You must have a cédula and prove you can support yourself. Two people who know you well must vouch for your character. There are also tests on Spanish and social studies, but they’re not needed if you’re 65 or older.

Citizenship by Marriage to a Costa Rican Citizen

Being married to a Costa Rican cuts the residency time to just 2 years. You can then apply for citizenship. This way doesn’t require the usual tests and financial checks. It’s a quicker choice for those with a Costa Rican spouse.

General Citizenship Requirements

All paths require submitting papers to the Immigration Department within 180 days of starting the process. They allow a one-time deadline extension for a fee of $100 USD. But, remember, not paying for this extension on time may lead to your application being dropped. Costa Rica lets you keep your original citizenship when you become Costa Rican.

citizenship requirements

Dual Citizenship and Retaining Your Home Country’s Citizenship

Are you a permanent resident in Costa Rica? You might be thinking about getting Costa Rican citizenship. You might worry about losing your original citizenship from your home country. The good news is that for many expats and immigrants, this is not the case.

US, Canadian, and many other citizens don’t lose their original citizenship when they become Costa Rican citizens. So, you can keep your resident alien benefits or legal residency perks from your home country. You can also get Costa Rican citizenship without giving these up.

But, keep in mind, you’ll follow Costa Rican laws as if you were only Costa Rican. This is the case for both permanent residents and naturalized citizens.

dual citizenship

Navigating the process for dual citizenship can be hard. But CRIE is here to help you at every step. Thinking about permanent residency or citizenship in Costa Rica? Our experts are ready to help. They can explain your choices and make the transition easy. Contact us today to find out more about immigrant benefits and lawful permanent residency in this lovely Central American spot.

Political Stability, Safety, and Quality of Life in Costa Rica

In Costa Rica, we enjoy living here as permanent residents or lawful permanent residents. The country’s commitment to safety and political stability is remarkable. Since 1948, Costa Rica doesn’t have an army and has a strong democracy. It also has low corruption levels, ensuring a safe and stable environment for all who live here.

This choice to focus on safety rather than military might has paid off. As a result, Costa Rica has lower crime rates than many other places in Latin America. Our lives are enriched by this, as we enjoy the resident alien benefits and legal residency perks this country provides.

Costa Rica is known for valuing family, protecting the environment, and promoting a healthy work-life balance. This focus has made it one of the happiest countries in the world. Being permanent residents allows us to tap into Costa Rica’s high-quality healthcare, top-notch schools, and many leisure activities. These contribute greatly to our quality of life and non-citizen resident advantages.

Political Stability

Besides, Costa Rica’s immigrant benefits and high quality of living also attract us. As pr holder there are many rewards, making the lawful permanent residency experience truly fulfilling.


Permanent residency in Costa Rica comes with many benefits and privileges. You can get a driver’s license and use public healthcare. Plus, you might get voting rights and even become a Costa Rican citizen.

The country is known for its political stability and low crime rates. It also values environment protection and work-life balance. Costa Rica is a great place for permanent residents. The Costa Rica Immigration Experts (CRIE) can help you through the residency process with their 20 years of experience. They help you enjoy the immigrant benefits and legal residency perks.

Thinking about making Costa Rica your home? Or perhaps you have questions about permanent resident rights and the perks of non-citizen residents? Contact CRIE to find out more. Their knowledge and support will make it easier for you to get lawful permanent residency. Then you can enjoy being a green card holder in this amazing country.


What benefits do I get as a permanent resident in Costa Rica? Can I vote or obtain a Costa Rican passport?

Being a permanent resident in Costa Rica lets you live and work there with no limits. You can also vote in all elections, and work without a special permit. This status allows you to get a Cédula de Identidad and a Costa Rican passport. It offers free access or easy visa entry to 149 countries. You’ll also join the country’s health system and enjoy free travel to and from Costa Rica.

What other benefits come with permanent residency in Costa Rica?

Getting a permanent residency in Costa Rica brings many perks. You can drive legally with a local license and have access to the healthcare system. Opening a local bank account is easier for you. You won’t need to carry your passport everywhere because you’ll have a DIMEX ID. Plus, you’ll get discounts on flights, tourist spots, and national parks. No more visa runs every 180 days, which is common among short-term visitors.

How can I become a Costa Rican citizen?

To become a citizen of Costa Rica, there are two main routes. One is through residency, the other through marriage to a local. Via the residency path, you need to have lived there for at least 7 years with a cédula. This is reduced to 5 years if you’re from specific countries. You also have to pass some citizenship tests. If you’re married to a local, you can apply after 2 years, skipping the tests part.

Will I lose my original citizenship if I become a naturalized Costa Rican citizen?

While gaining Costa Rican citizenship, you usually retain your original citizenship too. However, Costa Rica may treat you as a solely Costa Rican citizen.

What is the quality of life and political stability like in Costa Rica?

Costa Rica is known for its political stability, having got rid of its army in 1948. It boasts an independent judiciary and has low corruption levels. The country is safer than most in Latin America, with the government focusing on safety. It’s also a happy country, valuing family, environment, and balance. You’ll find great healthcare, schools, and a variety of fun activities to do.

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Article by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap)

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