Looking for a great place to grow your business worldwide? Consider Costa Rica’s tax-free zones and free trade zones. These areas have many perks like investment incentives and tax exemptions. They help companies like yours do better and be more competitive.

Costa Rica follows the Free Zone Regime Law, Number 7210. This means you can enjoy duty-free imports/exports, corporate tax exemptions, and other-business friendly benefits. Because it’s Latin America’s second most important exporter of medical devices, Costa Rica is a great choice. Many businesses come here to use its export-processing zones and special economic zones.

Key Takeaways:

  • Costa Rica’s Free Trade Zone Regime offers great tax breaks, like no income tax and no VAT.
  • Companies in the free zones can do imports and exports without paying duties. They also get to use a skilled workforce and good infrastructure.
  • The Coyol Free Zone focuses on life sciences, smart manufacturing, and logistics. It has sterilization on site and can do direct exports.
  • Costa Rica’s free trade zones have pulled in a lot of foreign investment. This has helped the country’s economy grow and develop.
  • Getting into the free trade zones is easier with help from government and consultants who know the process.

Want to find new business opportunities and attract more foreign direct investment? Costa Rica’s tax-free zones can help you. They are great for boosting your international trade and economic development. Take a look at what it could do for your company in this key investment destination.

Introduction to Free Trade Zones in Costa Rica

In Costa Rica, there are special places called Free Trade Zones (FTZs). Companies can set up here and get special benefits. The government gives these benefits to encourage new investments. These FTZs follow a set of rules defined by the law. They are managed by PROCOMER, which helps oversee trade for the country.

Definition and Purpose of Free Trade Zones

Free Trade Zones are areas in a country that offer great conditions for businesses. Companies in Costa Rica’s FTZs get to sell their products to other countries easily. The goal is to bring in more foreign money and to sell new kinds of products worldwide.

Overview of the Free Trade Zone Regime in Costa Rica

The Free Trade Zone Regime in Costa Rica started in the 1980s to grow the economy. Companies in FTZs don’t pay income tax at first and then pay less over time. They enjoy many benefits like easy access to skilled workers and the latest infrastructure. Plus, they can reach customers all over the world easily.

Key Highlights of the Costa Rican Free Trade Zone Regime
  • Companies in Free Trade Zones enjoy a total income tax exemption for the first 8 years, followed by a 50% exemption for the next 4 years, and start paying full income tax after the 13th year.
  • Import duties, excise taxes, and remittances repatriation tax are 100% exempt for Free Trade Zone companies, regardless of project scale.
  • Manufacturing firms have varying minimum required investments, from US$150,000 for small-scale projects to US$10,000,000 for large-scale projects.
  • The Free Trade Zone regime has generated jobs, competitive clusters, and investment primarily concentrated in the Central Valley of Costa Rica.

Eligibility Requirements for the Free Trade Zone Regime

Companies that want to join the Free Trade Zone Regime in Costa Rica have specific rules to follow. They can engage in various business activities such as manufacturing, processing, and export services. For entry, a company must invest at least $150,000 in equipment and land. If it’s not in the “GAMA” area, the required amount goes down to $100,000.

Also, it’s a must to follow strict environmental rules and show related documents.

Permitted Business Activities

The Free Trade Zone Regime in Costa Rica opens up many options for businesses. They can do things like making, assembling, or fixing goods. There’s also room for services like repackaging and exporting.

This flexibility means businesses can set up in a way that fits their unique needs. Plus, they get to enjoy the benefits of the regime.

Minimum Investment Thresholds

For the Free Trade Zone Regime in Costa Rica, companies need to put in at least $150,000. If they are not in the “GAMA” area, this drops to $100,000. These requirements show the government’s wish to bring in big investments. They aim to help the country’s economy grow.

Environmental Compliance

Following environmental rules is key for the Free Trade Zone Regime in Costa Rica. Companies in the zone must meet tough environmental standards and show proof they do. This way, the regime supports Costa Rica‘s environmental efforts and careful economic progress.

eligibility requirements free trade zones costa rica

Tax Incentives and Exemptions

The Free Trade Zone Regime in Costa Rica helps companies with tax benefits. For the first 8 years, companies don’t pay income tax. There’s also a 100% cut on real estate transfer taxes and municipal licenses for 8-12 years. They don’t have to pay VAT on what they buy or export and import duties.

These tax incentives free trade zones Costa Rica help businesses grow. They make companies in the free trade zones more competitive and profitable.

Income Tax Exemptions

Companies operating in the free trade zones don’t pay income tax the first 8 years. This big tax break helps companies use more money to grow their business.

Value-Added Tax (VAT) Exemptions

The VAT exemptions free trade zones in Costa Rica help with savings. Companies don’t pay VAT on what they need for their work. This makes doing business in the free trade zones more affordable.

Import and Export Duty Exemptions

Companies in the Free Trade Zone Regime get import export duty exemptions free trade zones. They don’t pay taxes on imports, exports, and other taxes for 10 years. These tax benefits free zones Costa Rica save companies a lot of money and make trading easier.

Non-Tax Benefits of Free Trade Zones

The Free Trade Zone in Costa Rica is not all about tax breaks. It offers other benefits too. Companies there get to work with a skilled and educated workforce. They can use top-notch infrastructure and services. Plus, they are near big markets in North America and Europe. This makes Costa Rica a perfect place for companies to grow and succeed, drawing on its stable politics and green approach.

Access to Skilled Labor Force

In Costa Rica, companies in the free trade zones can hire from a pool of smart workers. They are experts in many fields. The country invests in training people well. This ensures companies get the right people to help run their businesses.

Infrastructure and Logistics Advantages

Costa Rica’s free trade zones have everything needed to move products efficiently. There are top-class buildings, transport, and more. With all these services and equipment in one place, sending products worldwide is smooth.

Proximity to Major Markets

Being close to North America and Europe is a big plus for companies in Costa Rica’s free trade zones. This location and trade deals make it easy to reach customers. It opens doors for business growth in the area.

The Free Trade Zone in Costa Rica is a paradise for businesses in many ways. Companies get skilled workers, great infrastructure, and access to big markets. Along with tax benefits, these perks make it a top choice for those looking to start or grow in Costa Rica.

Legal and Regulatory Framework

The Free Trade Zone Regime in Costa Rica follows the Free Zone Regime Law, Number 7210, along with its rules. Companies in these areas must follow strict rules and keep detailed records. They need to report to PROCOMER regularly and keep their businesses environmentally friendly and following labor laws.

Free Trade Zone Regime Law and Regulations

The legal and regulatory framework for Costa Rica’s free trade zones is set by the Free Zone Regime Law. These rules make sure businesses in the free trade zone regime do what they need to and report as they should.

Compliance Requirements and Reporting Obligations

Companies in the free trade zone regime in Costa Rica have to meet compliance requirements and keep up with reporting obligations. They need to do good bookkeeping and report their activities. They also have to follow the rules on environmental protection and workers’ rights to keep enjoying the benefits of the free zone regulations.

legal and regulatory framework free trade zones costa rica

Tax-Free Zones in Costa Rica

Costa Rica has special areas called tax-free zones and industrial parks just for business. These zones give great benefits to bring in foreign companies and help local ones. The Coyol Free Zone stands out for its work in life sciences and smart manufacturing. Costa Rica has different places like this, supporting many industries.

Major Free Trade Zones and Industrial Parks

The Coyol Free Zone is a key spot in Costa Rica, found in Alajuela. It’s designed to attract companies in medicine and high-tech making use of local skilled workers and good location. Other important zones are the Cartago Free Zone, the Heredia Free Zone, and the Zona Franca del Este. Each of these places focuses on different sectors, giving them what they need to succeed.

Sector-Specific Clusters and Specialized Services

Costa Rica’s tax-free zones also set up special areas for certain industries and give them what they need. Take the Coyol Free Zone, for example. It has a strong group of medical device companies, with special clean rooms and shipping services. All over the country, free trade zones offer special help like more direct services, special training, and help with following the rules.

Establishing Operations in a Free Trade Zone

Companies looking to start operations in a Costa Rican free trade zone must follow certain steps. They need to fill out an application and make sure they meet the set criteria. This process is overseen by PROCOMER, a government body, and includes sticking to minimum investment thresholds, what kinds of businesses are allowed, and environmental regulations.

Application Process and Requirements

To start a business in Costa Rica’s free zones, companies must provide detailed info. They need to prove they will invest at least $150,000, or $100,000 if outside the “GAMA” area. Additionally, they have to detail what they plan to do, like work with goods for export or re-export.

Site Selection and Location Factors

Choosing the right spot in Costa Rica’s free trade zones is key for success. Things to consider are how close it is to big markets, having top-notch infrastructure and logistics, and finding skilled workers. The location of a free trade zone and the industries already there can help a company reach its goals and get ahead.

site selection free trade zones

Success Stories and Case Studies

The Free Trade Zone Regime in Costa Rica is a big draw for multinational companies. Many have found great success there. These companies operate in the country’s free trade zones.

One example is Coyol Free Zone. It houses top medical device makers who benefit from the zone’s special setup. They enjoy duty-free perks and easy access to skilled workers. The multinational companies in the free trade zones significantly boost jobs and the economy in Costa Rica. Their trade makes up over 50% of the country’s exports.

Multinational Companies Operating in Costa Rican Free Trade Zones

Costa Rica has lured over 350 big companies from around the globe. More than 209 of them specialize in business and IT services from Costa Rica. They thrive in the free trade zones, making the most of the zone’s perks and well-trained local workforce. These zones flourish with industries such as making medical devices, high-end manufacturing, and digital services.

Impact on Employment and Economic Development

Multinational companies’ presence in Costa Rica fuels job growth and economic change. More than 60% of Shared Services in Costa Rica handle various tasks, from finances, HR, to customer support, and more. In addition, 84% of these Services back North America. And 66% support Latin America.

These zones also make a big dent in Costa Rica’s economy and society. The country has Latin America’s highest reading and writing rate at 97.8%. It also spends the most on education from its GDP at 6.75%. Costa Rica is among Latin America’s top 3 for innovation. This shows how keen it is to welcome and boost smart, knowledge-focused industries.

Success Stories Free Trade Zones Costa Rica

Challenges and Considerations

The Free Trade Zone Regime in Costa Rica offers lots of perks. But, companies there face several hurdles. They need to keep up with changing laws and policies. This includes any updates to the free zone law or tax benefits. These changes can impact how a business works and force companies to find new ways to succeed. The free trade zone game is getting more competitive with other regional countries offering similar perks. Therefore, companies need to constantly watch for …

regulatory changes free trade zones


policy updates free trade zones

. This ensures they stay ahead in Costa Rica’s free trade zones and deal with

challenges free trade zones costa rica


Understanding the competition is vital for businesses in costa rica free zones. With more countries joining the free trade zone trend, companies have many options to consider. They might need to think about new ways to stand out. This could mean moving into new markets or making their products and services more attractive. Staying ahead in the face of competition from other free trade zones is key.

challenges free trade zones costa rica

Future Outlook and Opportunities

Costa Rica’s Free Trade Zone Regime has a bright future ahead. It can grow and expand more. The country is becoming a top choice for nearshoring and exports.

Emerging Industries and Sectors

Industries like advanced manufacturing, logistics, and tech services are set to boom. Costa Rica’s focus on a green future and its skilled workers are drawing in companies. They want to be part of the growth in Costa Rica’s free trade zones.

Potential for Growth and Expansion

The country has top-notch infrastructure and a great place to do business. Because of this, the free trade zones offer lots of room to grow. Costa Rica keeps making its zones better for business. This means new business opportunities and a brighter future for free zones in Costa Rica.

future outlook free trade zones costa rica

Investment Facilitation and Support Services

Starting a business in Costa Rica’s investment facilitation free trade zones doesn’t have to be hard. The government, along with investment support groups and professional firms, offers help. PROCOMER, a key government body, guides and helps companies during the setup phase.

Government Agencies and Investment Promotion Entities

Besides PROCOMER, many government and support agencies are ready to assist. They offer key business support services for foreign investors. This includes everything from entering the market to handling tax-free zone rules.

Professional Services and Consulting Firms

Costa Rica also has its share of professional firms and consultants. They focus on easing the journey for companies in free zones. These experts help with legal issues, taxes, logistics, and managing day-to-day operations. Their goal is to assist companies in moving through the free zone setup smoothly.

investment facilitation free trade zones

Key Takeaways and Recommendations

The Free Trade Zone Regime in Costa Rica is a great choice for companies looking to grow. It offers big tax incentives like not paying income tax or VAT. There are also benefits like getting to use skilled workers and being close to main markets.

This program also has a strong set of rules to help every step of the way. To really win with this, companies need to look at the rules closely. They should think about where they want to be and what they do. They can also use special help to start well.

Key Takeaways Recommendations
  • Substantial tax incentives, including income tax exemptions, VAT exemptions, and duty-free imports/exports
  • Non-tax benefits, such as access to skilled labor, advanced infrastructure, and proximity to major markets
  • Supportive legal and regulatory framework governing the free trade zones
  1. Carefully evaluate the eligibility requirements for the Free Trade Zone Regime
  2. Consider the strategic location and industry-specific clusters of the free trade zones
  3. Leverage the investment facilitation and support services available to maximize the benefits

In Costa Rica, knowing how to use the free trade zones is key. It can lead to success and growth by taking full advantage of the program. Operating here comes with many benefits, making it a good choice for businesses.

free trade zones costa rica


Costa Rica’s Free Trade Zone Regime is now a prime spot for big companies. They get lots of tax breaks and other perks by setting up here. This includes no income tax, less VAT, and no import/export duties.

Companies love it here because they save money and can easily reach many markets. With a skilled workforce and top-notch infrastructure, they can really grow. This is a win for Costa Rica too, boosting jobs and its economy.

So, if you’re thinking about conclusion free trade zones costa rica, go for it. The final thoughts on costa rica free zones are bright and full of opportunities for companies seeking to expand their global footprint. Costa Rica is working hard to stay attractive for business, and it’s paying off.


What is the Free Trade Zone Regime (FTZR) in Costa Rica?

The FTZR in Costa Rica gives companies benefits for starting new investments. It follows the Free Zone Regime Law, Number 7210. This law and its rules define the benefits.

What are the benefits of operating in a Free Trade Zone (FTZ) in Costa Rica?

Businesses in Costa Rica’s FTZs get tax breaks and can move goods in and out freely. They also enjoy other perks to help them compete better.

What are the eligibility requirements for the Free Trade Zone Regime in Costa Rica?

To join the FTZR, companies must invest at least 0,000 in the right zones. Or 0,000 if they’re outside the “GAMA” area. They also need to follow strict rules about the environment and keep the right documents.

What are the tax incentives and exemptions offered under the Free Trade Zone Regime in Costa Rica?

In Costa Rica’s FTZs, businesses don’t pay taxes for the first 8 years. They also get some other helpful tax breaks. This can make things like buying goods or land cheaper.

What are the non-tax benefits of operating in a Free Trade Zone in Costa Rica?

The FTZR also brings other benefits. Companies can find skilled workers, use good infrastructure, and be close to big markets in North America and Europe.

What are the major Free Trade Zones and industrial parks in Costa Rica?

Examples of Costa Rica’s free trade zones are the Coyol Free Zone, known for life sciences and smart manufacturing. There’s also the general program that helps many different industries.

What are the challenges and considerations for companies operating in Costa Rica’s Free Trade Zones?

Keeping up with rules and policies and facing more competition are big challenges. Staying ahead means always watching how the rules and the market change.

What is the future outlook for Costa Rica’s Free Trade Zone Regime?

The FTZR is expected to grow, especially in areas like making things, moving them, and tech services. It offers a chance for more companies to do well.

What support services are available for companies interested in establishing operations in Costa Rica’s Free Trade Zones?

Help is out there from the Costa Rican government, groups that want to see investment, and professionals. They guide through how to apply, find the right place, and meet the rules.

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Article by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap)

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