Thinking about moving to Costa Rica as a remote worker, freelancer, or online business owner? This beautiful, culture-rich country has caught the eye of digital nomads and others looking for a flexible lifestyle. It has a lot to offer, including a low cost of living. But, are you stuck choosing between the rentista option or the new digital nomad visa? To help you decide, we’ll look at the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Key Takeaways

  • Costa Rica offers several residency options, including rentista (fixed income), pensionado (retiree), and inversionista (investor) visas.
  • The digital nomad visa is a new program that allows remote workers to legally reside in Costa Rica for up to two years.
  • Residency in Costa Rica provides expats with a range of rights and benefits, including the ability to open bank accounts, get driver’s licenses, and access public healthcare.
  • Choosing the right residency path depends on factors like income sources, long-term plans, and lifestyle preferences.
  • Professional guidance from experienced immigration experts can help navigate the application process and ensure a smooth transition to life in Costa Rica.

Understanding Costa Rica’s Residency Options

Many newcomers to Costa Rica begin by using the “perpetual tourism” rule. It lets them stay up to 90 days without needing a visa. But, it’s only a short-term fix that doesn’t lead to permanent residency.

Perpetual Tourism

This rule is great for those wanting to explore Costa Rica for a while. It allows people from certain countries to be here for up to 90 days without a visa or residency permit.

Legal Residency Categories

Costa Rica offers several paths for long-term residency. These include fixed income, retiree, investor, and family-based options. Each choice has its own perks, like the chance to open bank accounts, get a driver’s license, and work towards becoming a citizen.

legal residency categories

Rentista (Fixed Income) Residency

Want to live in Costa Rica through a rentista or fixed income residency? You’ll need to show a monthly income of at least $2,500 USD. This money can’t be from a job, freelance work, or sources that might stop.

Income Requirements

To meet the income rule, you can put $60,000 USD in a Costa Rican bank ($2,500 x 24 months). This shows you can keep up the $2,500 USD income for two years.

Benefits and Restrictions

This residency lasts for two years and you can renew it for two more. Your spouse and dependents are included. But, remember, you can’t work until you get permanent residency or a work permit.


Pensionado (Retiree) Residency

If you’re reaching retirement age and have a guaranteed lifetime pension, consider the pensionado residency in Costa Rica. To qualify, you need a monthly pension of at least $1,000. This money can be from Social Security, private pensions, or other retirement funds.

Pension Income Criteria

The pensionado residency offers a two-year visa, which can be renewed after. This option allows for the applicant’s spouse and dependents. However, residents in this category can’t work, even online, until they get permanent residency or a work permit.


This residency is a top choice for retirees looking at Costa Rica. Its low cost of living, stunning nature, and top-tier healthcare attract many. It’s perfect for those wanting a restful yet rewarding retirement.

Inversionista (Investor) Residency

The investor residency in Costa Rica is a great way to live in this lively Central American place. You need to invest at least $150,000. This can be in a business, forestry project, or real estate.

Investment Amount Requirements

To get this residency, you can buy either a first or second home. This residency is like others, lasting two years. After that, you can renew for more two-year terms.

Inversionista residents can make money from their investments. But they can’t work until they have permanent residency or a work permit.

Real Estate and Business Investment Options

Investors have lots of choices with the inversionista program. They can fund a startup, buy a vacation home, or support sustainability projects. This way, they not only get to stay in Costa Rica but might make money too.

Investment Minimum Investment Options Residency Duration Income Restrictions
$150,000 Real estate, business, forestry/reforestation 2 years, renewable Can earn income from investment, no work permitted

Residency via Costa Rican Family Ties

Getting residency in Costa Rica through family ties is a great way for many foreigners. We found two main paths to choose from. These are for parents and kids of Costa Ricans, and for spouses of Costa Rican citizens.

Parents and Children of Costa Ricans

Parents and kids under 26 of Costa Ricans have a fast track to get permanent residency. They can skip the usual steps for temporary residency. This helps them get long-term residency sooner and easily.

Spouses of Costa Ricans

Spouses of Costa Ricans get a special type of temporary residency. It’s called “residencia libre de condición”. They’re allowed to work in Costa Rica even with temporary status. This can lead to getting permanent residency and even citizenship.

If kids are born in Costa Rica, they automatically become citizens. This opens the way for their parents to also get residency. Using family connections makes the process easier, giving more security and access to Costa Rican legal rights.

residency through family ties

Rentista or Digital Nomad Category: The Emerging Digital Nomad Visa Option

In late 2021, Costa Rica made a big move. They approved a “digital nomad” visa. This allows many remote workers and online business owners to stay longer without the old “perpetual tourism” rules. For digital nomads and those who work from anywhere, it’s a game-changer in the lively Central American country.

Income and Insurance Requirements

Want Costa Rica’s digital nomad visa? You need a minimum of $3,000 each month if you’re alone. For bigger families, it’s $4,000+. You also must have health insurance that covers up to $50,000. These rules make sure you and your loved ones are financially safe while in the country.

Benefits of the Digital Nomad Visa

This visa is good for one to two years. It’s a great deal for those who work from unknown places. Benefits include living legally in Costa Rica, driving with your foreign license, bringing in work stuff without paying extra, and no local taxes on income. It makes exploring the country’s stunning nature, rich culture, and strong remote work scene easy and enjoyable.

digital nomad visa

Key Advantages of Costa Rican Residency

Legal Protections and Rights

Getting residency in Costa Rica means you can enjoy full rights. This includes being able to come and go freely, drive with a homologated license, and open bank accounts. You also get access to public healthcare through the CAJA system. Residency gives you legal status, so you won’t be turned away at the border. This is for those living, owning property, and building a life in Costa Rica.

Access to Services and Benefits

Being a legal resident in Costa Rica comes with great perks. You can get a DIMEX ID card and a digital signature. Plus, it makes things easier, like opening bank accounts and setting up utilities. Legal Costa Rican residents also enjoy low entry fees to many tourist spots in the country.

Pathway to Permanent Residency and Citizenship

Several residency categories in Costa Rica lead to permanent residency after three years. This lets you stay longer, work, and maybe even apply for citizenship. After seven years as a legal resident, some may get citizenship by residence. There are some exceptions though, depending on your nationality.

costa rican residency advantages

Tourist Visa: A Temporary Solution

Many expats choose Costa Rica’s tourist visa to start their journey in the country. If you are from a “Category 1” country, like the United States or Canada, you can usually stay 90-180 days. Remember, the duration of stay is at the discretion of the immigration agent, and you might not get the full time.

If you want to stay longer, extending a tourist visa can be hard and takes a lot of time and money. This visa is just for a short time and won’t let you live in Costa Rica permanently. More information on the visa types and how long you can stay is available here. This info is great for anyone thinking about spending more time in Costa Rica.

Country Categories and Duration Limits

Country Category Typical Tourist Visa Duration
Category 1 (e.g., US, Canada) 90-180 days
Category 2 (e.g., EU, UK, Australia) 90 days
Category 3 (e.g., South America, Asia) 30 days
Category 4 (e.g., Africa, Middle East) 30 days

Using a tourist visa to see Costa Rica is great, but you must be aware of the visa duration limits. You might need to extend your visa if you want to stay longer to avoid breaking any rules. If living here long-term is your goal, exploring Costa Rica’s residency options would be better than relying on a tourist visa.

The Digital Nomad Lifestyle in Costa Rica

Costa Rica welcomes diverse expats, including families, digital nomads, and remote professionals. This Central American gem offers a special visa. It’s perfect for those who want to stay 1-2 years without the long-term commitment. The country is known for its beauty, strong infrastructure, and easy residency options. It’s a top pick for digital nomads and location independent professionals.

Suitability for Remote Professionals and Families

Costa Rica is ideal for anyone working online. It suits digital nomads and remoteworking families. They can blend in with the locals and enjoy a great lifestyle. The country’s warm weather, varied landscapes, and friendly people make it a top choice.

Advantages of the Digital Nomad Visa

The digital nomad visa in Costa Rica offers many perks. You won’t need to leave the country to renew your visa. It protects your investments and helps you settle down easily. Plus, you can drive with a foreign license and avoid paying taxes on income earned outside Costa Rica. These benefits are a big draw for location independent workers.

digital nomad lifestyle

Factors to Consider When Choosing Your Path

Choosing the right residency in Costa Rica involves several important points. According to the Costa Rica Immigration Experts (CRIE), you should think about your money and how you’ll make more of it. Also, think about why you want to live there and how you want to live, too.

Financial Stability and Income Sources

If you want the rentista, pensionado, or inversionista residency, you need to show you have money coming in regularly. For the digital nomad visa, you’ll need to be sure you can make at least $3,000 a month ($4,000 if you’re a family). It’s important to look at where your money is coming from now and in the future to pick the right choice.

Long-term Plans and Goals

Maybe you’re a digital nomad who wants to spend just a little time there. Or, maybe you dream of staying longer, maybe even forever. Deciding how long you want to stay will help you choose the best plan.

Lifestyle Preferences

Think about what kind of life you want and how each residency option fits with that. The digital nomad visa is great for people who work online and want to travel. If you want to stay in one place, the rentista, pensionado, or inversionista ways might be better for you.

Working with experts like CRIE can make it easier to pick the right choice. They can help you find a path that works with your financial and lifestyle goals in Costa Rica.

factors to consider

Seeking Professional Guidance

Navigating through the different residency options and application processes in Costa Rica can be tricky. Costa Rica Immigration Experts (CRIE) stands out as a go-to choice with its 20 years of experience. Their help has made the dreams of many come true.

CRIE offers full professional guidance through the residency application process. They aim to make this journey smooth and successful for you. If you’re ready to start, you can contact them at [email protected] or through WhatsApp at +506 7236 6906. You can also visit their website at

professional guidance


Costa Rica has many visa and residency choices for expats. Each has distinct requirements and perks. You can choose from the digital nomad visa, the rentista, pensionado, and inversionista categories. This Central American gem welcomes all kinds of people looking to live and work legally there.

The best option for you depends on your income, long-term plans, and how you want to live. With support from pros like CRIE, sorting through the application is easier. They help you make choices that fit your Costa Rica dream.

If you work from afar or dream of spending your older years in paradise, Costa Rica has options for you. Learning the details of each option helps you pick the right one. This way, you are one step closer to starting anew in Costa Rica.

With CRIE’s help, getting residency in Costa Rica is less stressful. This means you can enjoy the amazing culture and nature worry-free. Their expertise lets you focus on the life this beautiful country offers.


What are the primary paths to residency in Costa Rica?

In Costa Rica, there are four main ways to become a legal resident. These include getting a rentista or fixed income residency, a pensionado or retiree residency, an inversionista or investor residency, or coming through Costa Rican family connections.

What are the income requirements for rentista (fixed income) residency?

To get rentista residency, you need to show a fixed income of at least ,500 a month. This money can’t come from a job you could lose, like freelance work. One way to prove this is putting ,000 in a Costa Rican bank (,500 for 24 months).

What are the benefits and restrictions of rentista residency?

Rentista residency lasts for two years, and you can renew it. Yet, you can’t work until you become a permanent resident or have a work permit. This includes jobs in Costa Rica or online.

What are the pension income requirements for pensionado (retiree) residency?

To retire in Costa Rica under pensionado status, you only need a monthly pension of What are the primary paths to residency in Costa Rica?In Costa Rica, there are four main ways to become a legal resident. These include getting a rentista or fixed income residency, a pensionado or retiree residency, an inversionista or investor residency, or coming through Costa Rican family connections.What are the income requirements for rentista (fixed income) residency?To get rentista residency, you need to show a fixed income of at least ,500 a month. This money can’t come from a job you could lose, like freelance work. One way to prove this is putting ,000 in a Costa Rican bank (,500 for 24 months).What are the benefits and restrictions of rentista residency?Rentista residency lasts for two years, and you can renew it. Yet, you can’t work until you become a permanent resident or have a work permit. This includes jobs in Costa Rica or online.What are the pension income requirements for pensionado (retiree) residency?To retire in Costa Rica under pensionado status, you only need a monthly pension of


What are the primary paths to residency in Costa Rica?

In Costa Rica, there are four main ways to become a legal resident. These include getting a rentista or fixed income residency, a pensionado or retiree residency, an inversionista or investor residency, or coming through Costa Rican family connections.

What are the income requirements for rentista (fixed income) residency?

To get rentista residency, you need to show a fixed income of at least ,500 a month. This money can’t come from a job you could lose, like freelance work. One way to prove this is putting ,000 in a Costa Rican bank (,500 for 24 months).

What are the benefits and restrictions of rentista residency?

Rentista residency lasts for two years, and you can renew it. Yet, you can’t work until you become a permanent resident or have a work permit. This includes jobs in Costa Rica or online.

What are the pension income requirements for pensionado (retiree) residency?

To retire in Costa Rica under pensionado status, you only need a monthly pension of


What are the primary paths to residency in Costa Rica?

In Costa Rica, there are four main ways to become a legal resident. These include getting a rentista or fixed income residency, a pensionado or retiree residency, an inversionista or investor residency, or coming through Costa Rican family connections.

What are the income requirements for rentista (fixed income) residency?

To get rentista residency, you need to show a fixed income of at least $2,500 a month. This money can’t come from a job you could lose, like freelance work. One way to prove this is putting $60,000 in a Costa Rican bank ($2,500 for 24 months).

What are the benefits and restrictions of rentista residency?

Rentista residency lasts for two years, and you can renew it. Yet, you can’t work until you become a permanent resident or have a work permit. This includes jobs in Costa Rica or online.

What are the pension income requirements for pensionado (retiree) residency?

To retire in Costa Rica under pensionado status, you only need a monthly pension of $1,000. This money can be from various sources like Social Security or private pensions. It doesn’t include other types of work income.

What are the investment requirements for inversionista (investor) residency?

To get inversionista or investor status, you must invest at least $150,000. This investment can be in a local business, a forestry project, or in real estate, like buying a home.

What are the requirements and benefits of residency through Costa Rican family ties?

If you have close family in Costa Rica, you can get residency through them. This applies mainly to parents and children of Costa Ricans. Also, temporary residency is available for spouses if they wish to work in the country.

What are the key requirements and benefits of the digital nomad visa in Costa Rica?

The digital nomad visa needs a $3,000 monthly income ($4,000 for families) and health insurance. It gives you the right to live in Costa Rica for one or two years. Plus, you can work, drive, and import your work tools without paying taxes.

What are the main benefits of obtaining residency in Costa Rica?

Getting residency in Costa Rica means you can come and go as you please. It also allows you to drive, open a bank account and get health care. After a few years, you can apply for permanent residency or even citizenship.

What are the key factors to consider when choosing a residency path in Costa Rica?

Choosing a residency type in Costa Rica depends on your financial situation and plans. The digital nomad visa is good for a flexible, short stay. For those wanting to stay longer and maybe become a citizen, other options like rentista, pensionado, or inversionista might be better.

How can professional guidance help with the residency application process in Costa Rica?

Dealing with residency applications in Costa Rica can get tricky. Organizations like Costa Rica Immigration Experts can help. They have over 20 years of experience and can guide you through the whole process, making it easier and more likely to succeed.

,000. This money can be from various sources like Social Security or private pensions. It doesn’t include other types of work income.

What are the investment requirements for inversionista (investor) residency?

To get inversionista or investor status, you must invest at least 0,000. This investment can be in a local business, a forestry project, or in real estate, like buying a home.

What are the requirements and benefits of residency through Costa Rican family ties?

If you have close family in Costa Rica, you can get residency through them. This applies mainly to parents and children of Costa Ricans. Also, temporary residency is available for spouses if they wish to work in the country.

What are the key requirements and benefits of the digital nomad visa in Costa Rica?

The digital nomad visa needs a ,000 monthly income (,000 for families) and health insurance. It gives you the right to live in Costa Rica for one or two years. Plus, you can work, drive, and import your work tools without paying taxes.

What are the main benefits of obtaining residency in Costa Rica?

Getting residency in Costa Rica means you can come and go as you please. It also allows you to drive, open a bank account and get health care. After a few years, you can apply for permanent residency or even citizenship.

What are the key factors to consider when choosing a residency path in Costa Rica?

Choosing a residency type in Costa Rica depends on your financial situation and plans. The digital nomad visa is good for a flexible, short stay. For those wanting to stay longer and maybe become a citizen, other options like rentista, pensionado, or inversionista might be better.

How can professional guidance help with the residency application process in Costa Rica?

Dealing with residency applications in Costa Rica can get tricky. Organizations like Costa Rica Immigration Experts can help. They have over 20 years of experience and can guide you through the whole process, making it easier and more likely to succeed.

,000. This money can be from various sources like Social Security or private pensions. It doesn’t include other types of work income.What are the investment requirements for inversionista (investor) residency?To get inversionista or investor status, you must invest at least 0,000. This investment can be in a local business, a forestry project, or in real estate, like buying a home.What are the requirements and benefits of residency through Costa Rican family ties?If you have close family in Costa Rica, you can get residency through them. This applies mainly to parents and children of Costa Ricans. Also, temporary residency is available for spouses if they wish to work in the country.What are the key requirements and benefits of the digital nomad visa in Costa Rica?The digital nomad visa needs a ,000 monthly income (,000 for families) and health insurance. It gives you the right to live in Costa Rica for one or two years. Plus, you can work, drive, and import your work tools without paying taxes.What are the main benefits of obtaining residency in Costa Rica?Getting residency in Costa Rica means you can come and go as you please. It also allows you to drive, open a bank account and get health care. After a few years, you can apply for permanent residency or even citizenship.What are the key factors to consider when choosing a residency path in Costa Rica?Choosing a residency type in Costa Rica depends on your financial situation and plans. The digital nomad visa is good for a flexible, short stay. For those wanting to stay longer and maybe become a citizen, other options like rentista, pensionado, or inversionista might be better.How can professional guidance help with the residency application process in Costa Rica?Dealing with residency applications in Costa Rica can get tricky. Organizations like Costa Rica Immigration Experts can help. They have over 20 years of experience and can guide you through the whole process, making it easier and more likely to succeed.,000. This money can be from various sources like Social Security or private pensions. It doesn’t include other types of work income.

What are the investment requirements for inversionista (investor) residency?

To get inversionista or investor status, you must invest at least 0,000. This investment can be in a local business, a forestry project, or in real estate, like buying a home.

What are the requirements and benefits of residency through Costa Rican family ties?

If you have close family in Costa Rica, you can get residency through them. This applies mainly to parents and children of Costa Ricans. Also, temporary residency is available for spouses if they wish to work in the country.

What are the key requirements and benefits of the digital nomad visa in Costa Rica?

The digital nomad visa needs a ,000 monthly income (,000 for families) and health insurance. It gives you the right to live in Costa Rica for one or two years. Plus, you can work, drive, and import your work tools without paying taxes.

What are the main benefits of obtaining residency in Costa Rica?

Getting residency in Costa Rica means you can come and go as you please. It also allows you to drive, open a bank account and get health care. After a few years, you can apply for permanent residency or even citizenship.

What are the key factors to consider when choosing a residency path in Costa Rica?

Choosing a residency type in Costa Rica depends on your financial situation and plans. The digital nomad visa is good for a flexible, short stay. For those wanting to stay longer and maybe become a citizen, other options like rentista, pensionado, or inversionista might be better.

How can professional guidance help with the residency application process in Costa Rica?

Dealing with residency applications in Costa Rica can get tricky. Organizations like Costa Rica Immigration Experts can help. They have over 20 years of experience and can guide you through the whole process, making it easier and more likely to succeed.

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Article by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap)

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