Looking into owning a vehicle in Costa Rica can seem tough. It’s full of unique costs and challenges. For instance, there are high import duties and maintenance is expensive. So, is it a good idea to buy a car in this Central American country? We’ll check out the costing of owning and running a car in Costa Rica. By doing so, we can see if the good parts beat the tough ones.

Key Takeaways

  • Import duties for vehicles in Costa Rica range from 50% to 80% of the retail value, making new car purchases significantly more expensive.
  • The annual Marchamo (registration and mandatory liability insurance) costs around $230, while the Riteve vehicle inspection can add an additional $38 or more.
  • Gas prices in Costa Rica consistently exceed $5 per gallon, and oil changes can cost up to $70 when done by a mechanic.
  • Unexpected repair costs for an older vehicle can total around $725 over a 10-month period, underscoring the importance of thorough inspections and regular maintenance.
  • The used car market in Costa Rica offers more affordable options, but prices can still be 1.5 to 3 times higher than in other countries.


Owning a car in Costa Rica helps many people get around, especially in places with little public transport. Yet, the money you need to buy, register, and keep a car can be a lot higher than in other countries. This makes it crucial for those thinking about getting a car to do their homework. They need to be well-prepared for the costs in Costa Rica.

This article will give you a detailed look at what it costs to buy and own a car in Costa Rica. We’ll talk about the basic costs as well as the unexpected ones for repairs. Knowing all this can help you make smart decisions when buying a car. It will also help you understand what you’re getting into.

Overview of the Article and the Importance of Understanding the Cost of Buying a Vehicle in Costa Rica

In Costa Rica, having your own car is really important for many folks. This is especially true for those who don’t live in big cities. While the country’s public transport is getting better, it’s still not enough in some places. With a car, people can easily get to work, healthcare, and other important places.

But, keeping a car in Costa Rica can be expensive. The initial cost, along with import taxes and ongoing expenses like registration and fuel, adds up. These costs are higher than in many other places. It’s important to know about them if you’re thinking of getting a car in Costa Rica.

Understanding these costs helps people plan better before buying a car in Costa Rica. We’ll cover everything about the auto market there. This way, you’ll be more ready for the financial side of owning a car. This article aims to give you the information you need to feel more confident about buying a car in Costa Rica.

General Costs of Owning a Vehicle in Costa Rica

Owning a vehicle in Costa Rica comes with its financial obligations. It’s important to know what to expect, from yearly payments to daily expenses. This understanding helps you plan better for your transport needs. Now, let’s look at some of the main costs for vehicle owners in Costa Rica.

Annual Marchamo (Registration and Mandatory Liability Insurance)

Every year, vehicle owners in Costa Rica pay for their registration and mandatory insurance, known as the Marchamo. For most cars, this can cost around $230. But, if you have a new or more expensive car, you’ll pay more.

Annual Riteve (Vehicle Inspection)

Besides the Marchamo, you also need an annual vehicle inspection, called the Riteve. This check-up costs about $18. If your car needs repairs to pass the inspection, that’s an extra cost you’ll have to cover.

Additional Insurance Coverage

Some may get more insurance than just the Marchamo for extra protection. Adding good liability insurance might cost you approximately $130 a year.

Gas Prices

The price of gas can also impact your budget. In Costa Rica, regular gas is about $5.25 per gallon. Diesel is usually cheaper, around $4.50 per gallon.

Oil Changes

Maintaining your car with things like oil changes should also be budgeted for. A professional oil change will cost you about $70. Doing it yourself might save you some money, coming in at around $50.

It’s vital to understand the costs of owning a car in Costa Rica for your financial planning. Knowing these expenses helps you make smart choices. This way, your car ownership journey can be both pleasant and budget-friendly.

Unexpected Repair Costs

When you buy a car in Costa Rica, be ready for extra repair costs. Many things can bump up a car’s price, like its age and condition. This is especially true for used cars that are not brand new.

Common Repair Costs

Our team found that fixing a car here might cost a bit more. Some usual fixes include:

  • Serpentine belt and pulley replacement: $310
  • New headlight assembly: $40
  • New battery: $120
  • Tire patch: $3

Major Repair Costs

Big fixes can also pop up, costing you more. These might be for things like:

  1. Steering column replacement: $150
  2. Rear brake pads: $50
  3. Muffler welding: $46

A study showed that owners spent $725 in surprise repairs over 10 months. They had a 14-year-old car. It shows why budgeting for repair costs is key, especially with used cars in Costa Rica. Knowing a bit about fixing cars can cut your repair bills.

When thinking about car prices in Costa Rica, remember you might have to pay more for repairs. This is more likely with used cars. Being aware of these costs will help you plan your budget well.

Where to Buy a Car in Costa Rica

In Costa Rica, purchasing a car can be exciting and challenging. There are many ways to find the perfect car. You can check out dealerships, online sites, or local ads. Each way offers its own benefits.

Car Dealerships

Considered a safe option, dealerships in Costa Rica offer a secure buying experience. They often provide dealer warranties, ensuring the car’s quality. Yet, beware of scams. Always research a dealership’s reputation. Also, have the car checked by a mechanic you trust.

Online Platforms

Thanks to the internet, finding a car in Costa Rica is easier. Websites like CR Autos and Encuentra24 are great for car shopping. Even Facebook Marketplace is a good place to find deals. These online options offer a wide range of vehicles to choose from, all from your home.

Local Listings and Private Sellers

Looking out for local ads and private sellers is another strategy. Driving around and spotting “se vende” signs can help. Also, asking friends and family for leads might connect you with honest sellers. This approach often allows for better deal-making and the chance to check the car first.

Choosing where to buy a car in Costa Rica depends on what you prefer and your budget. By exploring all options and doing your homework, you can find the best car for your needs.

car prices costa rica

Factors to Consider When Buying a Car

Buying a vehicle in Costa Rica requires thought. You should look at factors like cost and ease of finding parts. This ensures you pick the right car for your needs and wallet.

Brand and Parts Availability

Consider the brand and parts. It’s best to choose a brand like Toyota or Nissan. They have many dealers and parts, making repairs cheaper.

Purchase Price and Import Taxes

Think about the car’s price and import taxes. Duties in Costa Rica can push up prices a lot. This means cars are often more expensive than in the US.

Need for a 4WD Vehicle

Think about where you’re driving. In Costa Rica, you might need a 4WD. This is especially true for rural or beach areas with rough roads.

Looking at brand, parts, price, taxes, and if you need 4WD is smart. It helps you find the right car in Costa Rica. This way, your purchase fits your budget and driving needs, making you happy with your choice.

The Buying Process

Buying a vehicle in Costa Rica is a detailed process. It ensures your purchase is both smooth and legal. You must complete important steps to protect your money and make owning the vehicle easy.

Checking Marchamo and Riteve Status

Check the vehicle’s Marchamo and Riteve first thing. This confirms the car follows Costa Rican laws and won’t cause trouble later.

Pre-Purchase Inspection by a Mechanic

It’s smart to have a mechanic inspect the vehicle before you buy. They can find hidden issues. This knowledge helps you decide if it’s still a good purchase.

Negotiating the Price

It’s normal to discuss the price when buying a car in Costa Rica. This is especially true for cars like Toyota, Honda, and Mitsubishi. Knowing the car’s value and being ready to talk price helps.

Using a Notary Public or Lawyer

Lastly, you need a notary or lawyer to finish the deal. Notaries in Costa Rica are lawyers too. They make the sales contract legal and detailed. This ensures everything about the purchase is done right.

Follow these steps for a confident car-buying experience in Costa Rica. They lead to a smooth and successful purchase.

is it expensive to buy a vehicle in Costa Rica

Buying a car in Costa Rica might cost a lot more than in some other places. Recent data shows that new cars here are 1.5 to 3 times more expensive than in the United States. This is mainly because of high import taxes. Cars also keep their value well in Costa Rica.

There are also other costs to think about. You’ll have to pay for the Marchamo, which is a yearly fee for registration and insurance. There’s also the Riteve> vehicle inspection, insurance, and the costs of keeping the car running. It’s key to plan for these costs well, especially if you’re buying a used car.

Used cars are a more affordable option in Costa Rica. But, finding and buying one can be tricky. You might need help from a local who knows the laws. They can help you understand everything and make the process easier. Remember that finding spare parts and needing a 4WD car for some areas can also bump up costs.

  1. The Marchamo costs about $140 a year. This includes the insurance you need by law.
  2. The Riteve inspection is very thorough. It checks many parts of the car to make sure it’s safe.
  3. Getting a car to Costa Rica also means paying high import fees, depending on the car’s value.

Owning a car in Costa Rica can be more expensive than in other places, yet it comes with its benefits. It gives you the freedom to explore and get around. If you plan to stay in Costa Rica for a while, owning a car might be a good idea. But, be sure to do your budgeting and research first.

new vehicle costs costa rica

Financing Options and Loans

Buying a car in Costa Rica has different steps for locals and foreigners. Foreigners can have trouble getting a loan from the dealership for a new car. Often, they might have to pay for the car in full when they buy it.

If you’re buying a used car, it might be easier to find financing. However, the process is not very clear. The ability to get a loan and the terms will change based on the car’s condition, the seller, and your own money situation. You’ll need to talk with sellers or local banks to figure it out.

Here are a few things to know about getting a loan in Costa Rica:

  • Loan rates for auto loans in Costa Rica start at around 12%.
  • GAP Equity Loans offer loan amounts ranging from $50,000 to $5,000,000 with terms varying from 6 months to 3 years.
  • Interest rates for personal loans in Costa Rica typically range between 12% to 16% yearly.
  • Commercial banks and private lenders in Costa Rica may offer personal loans with interest rates ranging from 13% to 20% and loan terms from 1 to 5 years.

The car buying process in Costa Rica can be complex, especially for those from other countries. Doing your homework and looking at different financing options is key. This will help you get the best deal on your car.

Costa Rica car financing

Tips for Maintaining a Vehicle in Costa Rica

Maintaining a vehicle in Costa Rica needs more work than in many places. Looking for a good mechanic and keeping up with maintenance are key. These steps will help keep your car ready for the country’s roads.

Choosing a Reliable Mechanic

Finding a skilled and reliable mechanic is vital in Costa Rica. The roads can be tough, so having someone who knows their stuff is a big help. Ask friends or locals for advice. Don’t be shy to test a few until you find the right one.

Knowing a bit about fixing cars can also help a lot. You might face problems like a loose car part or a wrong oil filter. Fixing small things on your own can save you lots of time and cash at the mechanic’s.

Importance of Regular Maintenance

Regular care for your car is very important, especially here. Costa Rica’s roads and weather can be hard on vehicles. Make sure to keep up with things like oil changes and tire care to help your car live longer.

Don’t forget to get your car inspected every year through the Riteve program. This check-up is a must for all cars in the country. It spots any big issues before they cause real trouble.

By picking a good mechanic and sticking to a maintenance plan, your car will be fit for Costa Rica. No matter what you do in the country, taking care of your vehicle is crucial. Whether you’re should you haggle in costa rica?, is it worth buying property in costa rica?, is it cheaper to live in costa rica or usa?, or is it cheap to retire in costa rica?, keeping your car in good shape is important.

costa rica vehicle maintenance

Pros and Cons of Owning a Car in Costa Rica

Owning a car in Costa Rica has its good and bad sides. It gives you the freedom and mobility to see beautiful places and reach secluded spots. But, the costs and road conditions of having one here can be tough for some people.

Freedom and Mobility

Having your own car in Costa Rica means you can go where you want, when you want. This is great for wandering through the country’s winding roads, seeking hidden gems, and enjoying the varied landscape. You won’t depend on bus schedules and can follow your own adventure.

Costs and Road Conditions

The car prices costa rica might surprise you, with big import taxes. These can make a car cost up to 80% more. On top of that, costa rica vehicle registration fees and mandatory Marchamo insurance are a yearly hit on your wallet.

Driving here isn’t always easy, though. Many roads are rough, with potholes and some not even paved. These conditions can raise both costa rica car insurance and likely your maintenance and repair costs.

So, thinking about getting a car in Costa Rica? Consider the ups and downs carefully. While it’s great for getting around on your own, it does come with a cost. Make sure you look at your budget and the type of travel you like to do before deciding.


In Costa Rica, the cost of owning a car is high compared to many other places. This is because of the big import taxes and the high value of vehicles over time. Also, because some areas need strong 4WD cars, prices are up. Don’t forget the ongoing expenses like registration, insurance, and repairs.

Yet, a car in Costa Rica means freedom to visit places not easy to get to by bus. Those thinking of buying should do lots of research. Knowing all the costs involved is key. Considering your specific driving needs is also important to decide if a car is truly necessary for your lifestyle.

Although costa rica car prices and taxes are high, careful planning can make financing and insurance manageable. When thinking about owning a vehicle, it’s crucial to weigh the costs and benefits. This ensures that having a car fits well with what you and your family need, and financially makes sense.


What are the key ongoing costs of owning a vehicle in Costa Rica?

The main costs are the Marchamo, which is around 0, and the Riteve, costing . You also have to consider optional insurance, about 0 a year. Gas prices are high, over per gallon, as are oil change costs, which are about .

What kind of unexpected repair costs can come up with an older used vehicle in Costa Rica?

The authors spent about 5 on their vehicle’s repairs over 10 months. This includes a serpentine belt and pulley replacement, new headlight, battery, tire patch, new steering column, and rear brake pads and muffler welding.

Where can you buy a vehicle in Costa Rica?

You can buy from car dealerships or online sites like CR Autos and Encuentra24. There’s also the option of checking local listings for private sellers.

What factors should you consider when buying a car in Costa Rica?

Think about the brand and parts availability, purchase price, and import taxes. These taxes can make car prices 1.5 to 3 times higher than in the US. If you’re driving in rough areas, you might need a 4WD.

What are the key steps in the car-buying process in Costa Rica?

First, check the Marchamo and Riteve. Then, get a trusted mechanic to inspect the car. Negotiate with the seller on the price. Finally, complete the transaction with a notary public or lawyer.

Can foreigners finance the purchase of a vehicle in Costa Rica?

Foreigners usually can’t get financing for new cars in Costa Rica, according to the sources. Financing options for used cars depend on the seller, car’s condition, and buyer’s financial state and credit score.

What tips are important for maintaining a vehicle in Costa Rica?

Having a reliable mechanic is key. Knowing some basics about your car helps too. Don’t forget to keep up with regular oil changes and check-ups. Costa Rica’s rugged roads make this especially important.

What are the pros and cons of owning a car in Costa Rica?

Owning a car means more freedom to explore. However, it comes with high purchase and ongoing costs. Also, a strong 4WD car might be essential in certain parts of the country.

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Article by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap)

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