Costa Rica ranks 92nd in global cryptocurrency adoption. This means it’s very open to digital money. Many businesses there happily accept cryptocurrencies as payment. This wide use of crypto is growing fast, thanks to Costa Rica’s positive view on blockchain tech.

Congresswoman Johana Obando has worked on a law called the Crypto assets Market Law (MECA). Its goal is to make the cryptocurrency world clear and safe for people and businesses. Right now, the Central Bank of Costa Rica doesn’t regulate crypto. But, it does see it as a real way to pay for things.

Yet, U.S. officials like Anne Neuberger and Nathaniel Fick are a bit worried. They think that Costa Rica might face problems with money laundering and illegal stuff because of cryptocurrencies. They want Costa Rica to act quickly to handle these risks.

Key Takeaways

  • Costa Rica is 92nd in how much it uses cryptocurrencies globally.
  • It has a law, the Crypto assets Market Law (MECA), to keep the crypto market safe and attractive for investors.
  • Cryptocurrencies are seen as real money in Costa Rica but not managed by its Central Bank.
  • U.S. officials are worried about crimes linked to cryptos in Costa Rica.
  • The quick use of cryptos in Costa Rica has made a lively crypto world there.

Costa Rica’s Cryptocurrency Adoption Landscape

Costa Rica is ranked 92nd in the 2023 Chainalysis report on global cryptocurrency adoption. The report shows the country’s wide use of cryptocurrencies. Many firms in Costa Rica take them as payment.

“Costa Rica has 6 Bitcoin ATMs for 5 million people. Workers can get some of their pay in crypto,” the report states.

Chainalysis Global Cryptocurrency Adoption Index 2023

Costa Rica is quickly adopting cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. This move has led to a lively crypto environment. Events like The Tico Blockchain Conference and the community’s Crypto Cantina are happening.

Widespread Crypto Usage and Acceptance

Costa Rica stands out as a crypto-friendly nation. Many businesses accept digital currencies for payments. The South Pacific region, known as the Bitcoin Jungle, has a lot of these companies.

Crypto-Friendly Ecosystem and Communities

The country’s growing crypto use is helped by a strong ecosystem and active communities. For example, the Blockchain Association and events like TicoBlockchain Conference and CriptoCantina® play a big role.

Proposed Cryptocurrency Regulation in Costa Rica

Costa Rica wants to be known as a place that welcomes crypto. It plans to do this by keeping taxes on them really low. Congresswoman Johana Obando has introduced a new law about the cryptocurrency market. This law aims to make things clear and safe for people and businesses investing in crypto assets. It also wants to create an environment that attracts investment.

The Costa Rican government is thinking of allowing people to use and own cryptocurrencies. They hope this will attract investors, tech companies, and tourists. It can also bring more jobs to local people in areas like technology and tourism. This move supports the idea of making Costa Rica a place that’s open to crypto. It’s about creating rules that help crypto grow and be used more.

Proposed Cryptocurrency Regulation

Current Legal Status of Cryptocurrencies in Costa Rica

Cryptocurrencies aren’t regulated by the Central Bank of Costa Rica yet. But, they are legal and seen as a valid payment method. This means they’re welcome in Costa Rica’s economy, even without strict rules from the government.

This welcoming stance toward cryptocurrencies suggests a friendly atmosphere in Costa Rica. Because digital assets are accepted as payment, it’s evidence of an open policy. This openness encourages the use and regulation of crypto in the nation.

Costa Rica doesn’t have detailed laws for cryptocurrencies. But, this doesn’t mean they turn a blind eye. The authorities keep an eye out to prevent issues like money laundering, as U.S. Government experts warn. Still, the atmosphere is positive for crypto, showing Costa Rica is very welcoming to it.

Concerns and Risks Around Crypto Adoption

U.S. Government Officials’ Warnings

Anne Neuberger and Nathaniel Fick from the U.S. Government are sounding alarms. They warn the public about serious issues tied to crypto use. This includes problems like kidnapping, extortion, and illegal deals made with digital currencies. Their caution highlights the need for our attention.

Risks of Money Laundering and Illegal Activities

Anne Neuberger, the Deputy Homeland Security Advisor, explains some big worries. She points out that money from illegal activities can move around because of crypto. This includes crimes like selling drugs and people, internet crimes, and actions by countries trying to avoid punishments.

She also talks about the benefits of crypto but warns about these dark sides. The U.S. is looking at how to prevent it from being misused.

Is Costa Rica Bitcoin Friendly

Costa Rica does not tax cryptocurrencies as currency. Hence, there’s no Value Added Tax or income tax on crypto gains. This makes it a popular choice for those asking is Costa Rica bitcoin friendly and is crypto taxed in Costa Rica?.

The country is becoming a hot spot for using cryptocurrencies. It’s seen as a crypto-friendly country. By now, many businesses especially in the South Pacific region accept crypto. This shift is thanks to a movement called the Bitcoin Jungle.

Metric Value
bitcoin acceptance costa rica Around fifty Costa Ballena market vendors and thirty stationary businesses have signed up to use the Bitcoin Jungle wallet since its launch at the end of 2021.
bitcoin businesses costa rica The wallet app currently has around 1000 active monthly users in businesses in the South Pacific region of Costa Rica.
crypto payments costa rica Employers in Costa Rica are legally allowed to pay their employees with cryptocurrency. This boosts the use of digital assets in the local economy.
bitcoin adoption costa rica Costa Rica ranks 92nd in the Global Cryptocurrency Adoption Index 2023. This shows that bitcoin adoption in the country is growing.

Using Cryptocurrencies in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is diving into the world of cryptocurrencies. People are using digital money more and more in different areas. The Bitcoin Jungle movement has been key in getting folks to use cryptocurrencies in Costa Rica.

Bitcoin Jungle and Lightning Network

At the Uvita farmer’s market, many sellers make a big chunk of their sales in digital money from the new Bitcoin Jungle wallet. This move is helping Costa Rican sellers avoid costly credit card charges. Since its launch last year, about fifty market vendors and thirty shops have joined the Bitcoin Jungle wallet. Thanks to the Lightning Network, Bitcoin transactions are quicker and cost less. This tech helped a Bitcoin fan go on a Costa Rica trip, paying for almost everything in Bitcoin, even gas.

Crypto Tourism and Merchants Accepting Bitcoin

The trend of using digital money in Costa Rica is pulling in tourists who prefer to pay with their cryptocurrencies. As more and more businesses, including those in the Bitcoin Jungle, start accepting Bitcoin and other digital currencies, Costa Rica welcomes these tech-savvy visitors warmly.

bitcoin jungle costa rica

Cryptocurrency in Costa Rica Real Estate

Cryptocurrency is not yet recognized as legal tender in Costa Rica. However, its use in real estate is growing. This brings both challenges and new solutions for investors.

Challenges with Crypto-Based Real Estate Transactions

Cryptocurrency faces hurdles due to money laundering laws in Costa Rica. Thus, using digital assets for real estate deals is currently impossible. This is because the country hasn’t accepted cryptocurrency for public payments yet.

Innovative Solutions for Crypto-Dividend Deals

Despite the obstacles, more buyers want to use their cryptocurrency to buy property in Costa Rica. The government is working on the rules needed for this. For now, creative methods such as exchanging crypto for property shares are emerging. These methods aim to help crypto-investors and support the trend of crypto-dividend deals.

Bitcoin Mining in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a great place for bitcoin mining because it has lots of renewable energy. It gets much of its energy from sources like water, wind, and the sun. This makes electricity both clean and reliable for mining operations.

Renewable Energy Advantages

In early 2022, a hydroelectric plant owner in Poas, Costa Rica, saw a chance. They noticed the extra clean power the country had. So, they started a special service for nearby crypto miners. This move shows how well Costa Rica meets the power needs of bitcoin miners.

Data Center CR: First Digital Mining Center

bitcoin mining costa ricadigital mining center in Costa Rica now runs 650 mining computers all the time. This shows how Costa Rica leads in using clean energy for bitcoin mining.

Costa Rica’s Appeal for Bitcoin and Crypto Initiatives

Costa Rica is known for its strong economy and stable politics, unlike many Latin American nations. This makes it a top choice for tech and crypto projects. It’s famous for being one of the most crypto-friendly countries. Here, businesses and people can enjoy a reliable place for using digital money.

Tech Innovation and Infrastructure

Costa Rica boasts excellent online connections linked to global networks. It connects to ARCOS-1, Pan American Crossing, MAYA-1, and others for fast internet. This strong tech set-up is crucial for welcoming companies focused on crypto.

Crypto ATMs and Employer Payments

Currently, there are seven bitcoin ATMs in Costa Rica. Their numbers are increasing quickly due to their popularity. Customers can buy Bitcoin with Costa Rican colones, ranging from $10 to $300, and pay up to 9% in fees for the service. Also, Costa Rican employers can pay their workers with crypto legally. This helps in the wider use of digital cash in the nation’s economy.

crypto infrastructure

Metaverse and NFT Projects in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is becoming a top spot for new metaverse and NFT ventures. They’re looking to mix the online and real worlds. A great case is the Alóki Sanctuary. It’s a 750-acre site that was bought for more than $30 million USD. There, people have made a combination of real and digital worlds. This lets users explore a digital version of the sanctuary.

Alóki Sanctuary: Blockchain-Based Sustainable Development

The Alóki Sanctuary is doing something special. They offer a “Play-to-Own” way. This means people can own and see the lands they support in the digital realm as NFTs.

It mixes blockchain with efforts to keep our Earth safe. This project aims to make people care more about our planet. It does this through a fun game-like approach.

Merging Digital and Real-World Conservation Efforts

In the Alóki Sanctuary Metaverse, users take actions to help the real sanctuary. For example, planting a digital tree there might mean a tree gets planted in real life in Costa Rica. This blends the digital and real worlds to do good for the planet.

metaverse costa rica

Crypto Regulation Debates and Proposed Legislation

In Costa Rica, a new law on crypto assets is a big issue now. Jan3, a Bitcoin tech company, is worried this law might stop people from using Bitcoin daily. Their goal is to teach governments how to make good Bitcoin rules. They want rules that help the economy grow and not slow it down.

Jan3’s Advocacy for Bitcoin-Friendly Policies

The discussion is mostly about Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) practices. Jan3 supports rules that keep an eye on illegal money but also help Bitcoin grow in Costa Rica. They want a good balance between these checks and using Bitcoin widely.

Balancing KYC, AML, and Bitcoin Adoption

Costa Rica is working on its rules for cryptocurrencies and Bitcoins. They must figure out how to control bad actions without making it hard to use Bitcoin in daily life. The decisions they make will be very important. They could show other countries how to allow Bitcoin legally.

crypto regulations

Bitcoin’s Potential Impact on Costa Rica’s Economy

Latin America is moving towards adopting bitcoin. This is happening because of the region’s financial issues. In Costa Rica, the thought of creating rules friendly to bitcoin is getting a lot of attention. The country faces problems like inflation and a shaky economy. People are looking to new ways like bitcoin to handle these challenges.

Alternative to Inflation and Monetary Instability

For Costa Ricans, bitcoin could be a solid way to guard their wealth. It offers a way to deal with inflation and economic ups and downs. With more talk about bitcoin regulation, its value as a steady financial option is getting clearer.

Tourism and Renewable Energy Opportunities

Costa Rica has lots of renewable energy. Jan3 suggests using it for bitcoin mining. This could make Costa Rica a top player in green energy in Latin America. At the same time, bitcoins in Costa Rica are gaining fame. This ties in with big world events like the start of bitcoin Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs). Such changes are hinting at a boost for Costa Rica’s tourism and green energy sectors.

bitcoin mining costa rica

Global Implications of Costa Rica’s Crypto Regulations

Costa Rica’s new rules about cryptocurrencies are getting a lot of attention worldwide. This makes the ongoing discussion very important to people all over the globe. The way Costa Rica deals with Bitcoin and other digital money laws could guide the rules in other countries.

Spot Bitcoin ETFs and Broader Adoption Trends

In Costa Rica, more people are starting to see the benefits of using Bitcoins. This change comes alongside big worldwide steps, like opening the door to spot Bitcoin ETFs. These are signs of a big shift in how the world is starting to accept Bitcoin and other digital currencies. The decisions about cryptocurrencies in Costa Rica could affect this global trend. The big question remains: if Bitcoin will ever face a ban.


Costa Rica is now open to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. It has a growing market for digital money. It plans to pass a law to manage this market, which will help people and companies feel more secure when they invest in these new assets.

The Central Bank of Costa Rica has not made specific rules for cryptocurrencies yet. But, it recognizes them as a valid form of payment. This recognition has made many businesses around the country, especially in the South Pacific, start taking Bitcoin and other digital money.

Bitcoin could help Costa Rica’s economy by offering new financial options. The country’s renewable energy and stable politics also make it good for Bitcoin activities like mining. This could make Costa Rica even more appealing for those interested in the crypto world.

The rules Costa Rica puts in place for cryptocurrencies could influence other nations. These discussions are now important globally. Costa Rica’s friendliness towards cryptocurrencies and the rise of Bitcoin ETFs show a changing world economy. It hints at a brighter future for digital money all around the globe.


Is Costa Rica a Bitcoin-friendly country?

Yes, Costa Rica greatly welcomes cryptocurrencies. Many companies there accept them as payment.

What is the status of cryptocurrency regulation in Costa Rica?

Cryptocurrencies are not yet regulated by the Central Bank of Costa Rica. But, they are legal and seen as valid for payment. There’s a push for a law to better handle the market, offering more safety to those involved.

Are cryptocurrencies taxed in Costa Rica?

No, Costa Rica doesn’t tax cryptocurrency gains. They’re also not under the Central Bank’s ruling as a form of currency, so no currency taxes apply.

Can you buy property with cryptocurrency in Costa Rica?

Buying real estate directly with cryptocurrency isn’t possible in Costa Rica. This is because of strict rules against money laundering. However, there are ways around this, like exchanging crypto for property shares.

Are there any Bitcoin ATMs in Costa Rica?

Yes, Costa Rica has seven bitcoin ATMs. This number is increasing quickly. They operate by letting you buy Bitcoin using the local currency, the colón, with only a small commission fee.

Can Costa Rican employers pay their employees in cryptocurrency?

Employers in Costa Rica can indeed pay their workers with cryptocurrency.

Is there a “Bitcoin Jungle” in Costa Rica?

There is, located in the South Pacific. This area is known for a strong blockchain community, with local businesses taking cryptocurrencies as payments.

What are some of the concerns around cryptocurrency adoption in Costa Rica?

The U.S. is concerned about money laundering and other illegal actions linked to cryptocurrencies in Costa Rica. They’re asking for protective measures to be put in place.

Is Costa Rica a good destination for cryptocurrency mining?

Absolutely. Costa Rica’s focus on renewable energy means it’s a prime spot for mining. It already hosts a significant data center for mining digital currencies.

What is the Alóki Sanctuary project in Costa Rica?

Alóki Sanctuary is a large property in Costa Rica turned into a metaverse. People can own and visit virtual areas via NFTs. It aims to get people connected with nature again, inviting them to join in sustainable efforts through a blockchain game.

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Article by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap)

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